

微笑面对困难英语演讲稿 篇1

岁月悠长,我梦犹在;风雨无常,信念永坚。在人生斑驳的记忆里,这中间必然经历曲折。磨难。当你遭遇到挫折时,你是否会坦然面对,抑或是逃避懊恼呢?其实,挫折是人生一笔宝贵的财富,当我们身陷逆境,即是聚敛财富的过程。 挫折是通往成功道路的奠基石。学会接受挫折,接受现实,才会激发斗志,勇往直前。就像林肯总统一样,他一生处在逆境之中,8次竞选,8次失败,但正因为他无私无畏,勇于面对,所以获得成功,成就个人梦想。的确,只有勇于接受挫折的磨练,不断积累人生经验,才会收获人生的第一桶金。

挫折是人生的润滑剂。当人生的车轮行驶在崎岖不平的幽径小道时,路旁的荆棘就成为我们最大的障碍。就像人生航海的旅途上,忽然遭遇狂风暴雨;当破茧成蝶的幼蝶折翼时……生活中总有些许不尽人意,正如泰戈尔所说:“上天完全是为了坚强我们的意志,才在我们的道路上设下重重的障碍。”但在失去的同时,我们收获了应对挫折的信心和勇气,使自己不断提升和完善。 挫折是人生的一首诗,是直面人生度过艰难后的灵感。著名诗人屈原虽有满腹才华,忠心耿耿,偏偏遇上昏聩的`楚怀王;岳飞挥军北上,誓要直捣黄龙,恢复中原,却偏偏被十二道金牌召回临安。这些有识之士饱经挫折和遗憾。屈原咏叹〝长太息以掩涕兮,哀民生之多艰〞的千古绝句,充溢着诗人的伟大情怀,诠释着诗人灵魂最深处的召唤。所以挫折散发着一种诗意的美,是一种美的精神之光的闪烁,是自由的心灵在广阔世界里飞翔撞击出的美丽火花。


挫折具有两面性,假如我们把它看作是一件丑陋的衣衫,那么我们就真的遮住了它的光芒;假如我们把它看作是一件结实的布料,那么我们就会步履锋芒,不畏束缚。所以我们应当正确对待挫折,因为我们始终坚信逆境成就人才。 学会面对挫折,在我们遭遇挫折时,心中多一份淡然,挫折并不可怕,反而会给我们带来坚强和勇气,是人生不可或缺的一笔财富。

微笑面对困难英语演讲稿 篇2

As is apparently revealed in the cartoon above, the sheep lives happily inan optimistic state of mind, ignoring the threat of a dark shade, because hebelieves that where there is shadow, there is sunshine. What is conveyed in thepicture is both positive and illuminating.

As far as the purpose of the drawer is concerned, I think he intends toremind us of the importance of optimism. If the sheep in the cartoon feelsanxious and pessimistic about the dark shade all day long, he can by no meanshave a comfortable and happy life. Examples like this are numerous, but I thinkthe following one will be convincing enough. If there is half a cup of water,the pessimist may cry over it because they have only a half, while the optimistmay cheer for it because they still have a half. Obviously, they will havedifferent perceptions and feelings toward the same life。

There is no denying that, most optimists have a high happiness index, whichcan hardly be experienced by pessimists. Therefore, we must read our life with apositive attitude. What s more, the optimistic attitude can infect othersstrongly, meaning that we will find that all the friends around us areoptimistic if we observe them in the same perspective. As a result, anatmosphere of optimism and happiness could 6 be naturally set up. Therefore, let’skeep the famous line of Shelley, the well-known poet, in mind for ever, that is,“If winter comes, can spring be far behind?”

微笑面对困难英语演讲稿 篇3

Dear students Hello, everyone. The title of my speech today is smile in the face ofsetbacks.

Today is September x, the beginning of our new school year and new juniorthree. Perhaps, in this year, we will pay immeasurable hardships, but we willalso reap the joy of success and frustration after setbacks. Smiling in the faceof setbacks is our magic weapon to win in this academic year. Only by smilingall the time can you support your confidence, raise the sails ofself-confidence, keep fighting, and make you a warrior in front ofdifficulties! Edison has failed numerous times for research; Madame Curie has sufferedmany setbacks for the success of the research on radium; Yuan Longping hassuffered unimaginable blow for hybrid rice. However, they survived. They facedit with a smile and succeeded with a smile. If you consider the difficulties we are facing as the biggest setback inour life, it is just a fuss. Our understanding of setbacks is just like our hazyignorance of love. 2

Balzac said: things in the world are never absolute. The results vary fromperson to person. Suffering is a stepping stone for genius, a wealth for capablepeople and an abyss for the weak. We have to smile in the face of setbacks, inthe face of failure, for the strong in life, setbacks are a stepping stoneforever.

Napoleon said, the best way to avoid failure is to be determined tosucceed next time. It can be seen that the courage to face setbacks is drawnfrom a smile. We can t just stay in the pain of failure and do the indifferentstruggle. Believe that your pain is only in the past, and tomorrow is full ofhope! Smile in the face of setbacks and meet new challenges. In life, there areno winners and losers forever!

Smile like sunshine, bring warmth to the earth; smile like rain, moistenthe earth. Smile has the same magic power as love, which can make the hungry andcold people feel the warmth of the world; it can make the desperate people seethe hope of life again; it can make the lonely and helpless people obtain thespiritual comfort; it can also make the heart withered people feel the emotionalmoisture. The interpretation of happiness is smile; the meaning of happiness issmile; the essence of warmth is smile; the encouragement of frustration issmile; the symbol of strength is still smile. So, in the face of setbacks, hardjourney of the third day of life, why don t we smile more?

In fact, this will be the first challenge in our life, a challenge to allthe hardships, all the frustrations of the journey.

The meaning of frustration is very extensive: every class is called by theteacher, at a loss, it is a kind of frustration; when you have more cross marksin your homework than others, it is a kind of frustration; in physical educationclass, when your ball skill is a big part worse than others, it is also a kindof frustration; after the 3 exam, your three digits are lower than your samelevel, it is also a kind of frustration.

After setbacks appear, you can ignore the mixed feelings in your heart,grasp your inner confidence and optimistic power, think calmly and facecalmly!

Students, life is made up of so many setbacks. The sunshine of life comesfrom everyone s indomitable and indomitable fighting spirit. Not willing to beslaves to setbacks, but to be its master. This is our mission!

Every setback is a wealth. When we succeed in overcoming it and accumulaterich experience, we will fight bravely in the future exam room and even in thewhole life!

Students, believe in practice! Smile in the face of setbacks, is your bestchoice!

Thank you, my speech is over.

微笑面对困难英语演讲稿 篇4





微笑面对困难英语演讲稿 篇5

If your life feels like it is lacking the power that you want and themotivation that you need, sometimes all you have to do is shift your point ofview. By training your thoughts to concentrate on the bright side of things, youare more likely to have the incentive to follow through on your goals. You areless likely to be held back by negative ideas that might limit yourperformance. Your life can be enhanced, and your happiness enriched, when you choose

tochange your perspective. Don t leave your future to chance, or wait for thingsto get better mysteriously on their own. You must go in the direction of yourhopes and aspirations. Begin to build your confidence, and work through problemsrather than avoid them. Remember that power is not necessarily control oversituations, but the ability to deal with whatever comes your way. Always believe that good things are possible, and remember that mistakescan

be lessons that lead to discoveries. Take your fear and transform it intotrust; learn to rise above anxiety and doubt. Turn your worry hours into productive hours . Take 1 the energy that you have wasted and direct it towardevery worthwhile effort that you can be involved in. You will see beautifulthings happen when you allow yourself to experience the joys of life. You willfind happiness when you addopt positive thinking into your daily routine andmake it an important part of your world.

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微笑面对困难英语演讲稿 篇7









