

英语课前三分钟演讲稿 篇1

I am flying today, speech is the ideal wing, as a middle school student, we are in love fantasy, love to dream, love highlight their personality, love and Zhang Yang us different, we were not mistaken, we now are not qualitatively period of development, there is no one standard for us to judge their own life and values. We always let adults know that we can do it yourself to live, you can solve their own problems, but we have some dependence. Love day dreaming, perhaps today we want to be a teacher, to educate our newcomers, and perhaps tomorrow we want to be a scientist to explore our humanity to the present do not know some of the mystery,or we have no way to explain Some phenomena 。.。 。.。

We are willing to bury the reality of the cruelty and injustice, we are our parents, our elders could not understand some of the practice of life, we do not understand why they like to do ah. It is our wish too much too young to bury social experience. Attitude of life when we are not deep.

Down we love fantasy, love to dream of behavior, we need to do one for the people and human progremake a difference. To our actions to prove that we have!

英文课前三分钟演讲 篇2











2021课前三分钟英语演讲稿 篇3

as we know, you have to learn how to fly much more independently instead of under your parents’ considerate protection when you get into college, which also means you will come across enormous questions that should be solved by yourself. from my point of view, those main problems can fall into three parts.

first of all, the complicated relationship. for one thing, you have to know how cultural differences function in your relationship and respect them. in addition, college students spend less time studying together owing to different courses’ choosing, which requires us to devote more energy to building relationship. for the other thing, it is also vital to communicate with your parents often by using mobile phones or other tools.

secondly, the temptations. the college serves us a more relaxed environment mixed with other temptations such as the internet, alcohols and so on. what’s more, the college teachers won’t compel you to study like before, you doze off or play cell phone in class, and you flee up the morning class because you get up too late. such too frequent behaviors will cripple your passion and enthusiasm towards life, so it is essential for us to resist these temptations and insist pursuing our own goals.

thirdly, the balance between study and work. most of us will choose to take a part time job to earn the extra money or just to exercise ourselves. but it is significant to keep a relatively balanced relationship between them since i always regard the study as our main task, so my principle is adjusting work to follow the schedule of study.

in conclusion, whatever issues we meet or miseries we suffer from, confront the hash reality head on, what we can do is remembering the past, living in the present and looking forward to the future.

英文课前三分钟演讲励志 篇4






英文课前三分钟演讲励志 篇5



为什么在全球掀起一场汉语热,各国大办汉语学校的今天,我们却不再重视汉语?我们没有看到语言文化的长远意义,至少没有看到眼前所蕴藏的危机。英国、美国每年输出英语所获利润占到了国民GDP的1%多。再看看国内的学生,花这么大力气学外语,若是学好了还可以,可是大学生甚至博士研究生的英语水平也不过如此。外语没学好,母语也差,有些人的汉语水平甚至不及外国的汉语学习者,前不久上海的一次双语互译活动竞赛中,不少人把“富贵不能淫”这句古训译成“Be rich,but not sexy”(富贵,但是不能性感)。中国学生的语言功底,由此可见一斑。




英语课前三分钟演讲稿 篇6

Honorable judges, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen:

It is a great honor and pleasure to be here on this beautiful Saturday morning to share with you my sentiments about life and passion for the English language.

About a year and a half ago, I took part in my very first English Speech Contest. When I stood before the microphone with all eyes starring directly at me, I could hardly speak. I stood there, embarrassed and helpless, struggling in vain for the right thing to say. My fears had paralyzed me.

While my passion for English has never changed, I lost my courage to speak in public. When my professor again encouraged me to take part in this Competition, I said “no.” I couldn’t endure yet another painful experience. He looked me straight in the eye and said something that pierced my heart. I will never forget his words. “Look,” he said, “We all have our fears, and you have yours. You could twist your ankle in a basketball game, but then be afraid to ever play again. Running away can never dispel your fears, but action will. A winner is not one who never fails,but one who never quits.”

I spent a whole day with his words twisting and turning in my mind. Then I made the bravest and wisest decision of my life: I would face my fears – and take part in the competition!

As it turned out, my dear old professor was right. Now, here I am, once again standing before a microphone. My heart is beating fast, and my mouth is dry, but most importantly, I have faced my fears -- and that makes all the difference!

Thank you.

英语课前三分钟演讲稿 篇7

you know, you know, we started this great effort on a sunny july morning in pinders corner on pat and liz moynihan's beautiful farm and 62 counties, 16 months, 3 debates, 2 opponents, and 6 black pantsuits later, because of you, here we are.

you came out and said that issues and ideals matter, jobs matter, downstate and upstate, health care matters, education matters, the environment matters, social security matters, a woman's right to choose matters. it all matters and i just want to say from the bottom of my heart, thank you, new york!

thank you for opening up your minds and your hearts, for seeing the possibility of what we could do together for our children and for our future here in this state and in our nation. i am profoundly grateful to all of you for giving me the chance to serve you.

i will - i will do everything i can to be worthy of your faith and trust and to honor the powerful example of senator daniel patrick moynihan. i would like all of you and the countless new yorkers and americans watching to join me in honoring him for his incredible half century of service to new york and our nation. senator moynihan, on behalf of new york and america, thank you.

i promise you tonight that i will reach across party lines to bring progress for all of new york's families. today we voted as democrats and republicans. tomorrow we begin again as new yorkers.

and how fortunate we are indeed to live in the most diverse, dynamic and beautiful state in the entire union. you know, from the south bronx to the southern tier, from brooklyn to buffalo, from montauk to massena, from the world's tallest skyscrapers to breathtaking mountain ranges, i've met people whose faces and stories i will never forget. thousands of new yorkers from all 62 counties welcomed to me into your schools, your local diners, your factory floors, your living rooms and front porches. you taught me, you tested me and you shared with me your challenges and concerns - about overcrowded or crumbling schools, about the struggle to care for growing children and aging parents, about the continuing challenge of providing equal opportunity for all and about children moving away from their home towns because good jobs are so hard to find in upstate new york. now i've worked on issues like these for a long time, some of them for 30 years, and i am determined to make a difference for all of you.

you see, i believe our nation owes every responsible citizen and every responsible family the tools that they need to make the most of their own lives. that's the basic bargain. i'll do my best to honor in the united states senate.

and to those of you who did not support me, i want you to know that i will work in the senate for you and for all new yorkers. and to those of you who worked so hard and never lost faith even in the toughest times, i offer you my undying gratitude.

2021课前三分钟英语演讲稿 篇8

I think every student in junior high school or even a new term the first class meeting is a "new semester new plan," the University did not expect to have such a ban would be the same. However, every freshman to the University of strange environments such as exploration in the dark. However, an early goal set for myself in the dark, lit as a beacon, a constant reminder to guide us forward.

Sister school seniors who passed before the exchange of experience, we can avoid detours. But everyone there is a separate individual, the experience can not be completely copied, should have its own general plan. College life includes learning, work and life. Following on from the three aspects I came to my planning.

About Learning: As long as we still a student, the total should be on learning more important position.

Said freshman should be laid and compacted in the high number of basic English. Therefore, in this two subjects put more effort is acceptable. Last week the high number may be, I do feel a certain degree of difficulty, the preview before class and after school consolidation exercise is important. Hope that through their practical learning in high numbers on the Do not hang Division. Morning Reading soon began to organize, which is learning English, the best opportunity to practice oral English.

Indeed difficult to get up early, but I, as a member of the Department of Learning, I not only have to set an example for other students should have acquired in the Morning Reading in. We have classes two nights a week only, the night a lot of time should be fully utilized. Go to the library, participate in various activities that can harvest a lot of lectures!

Other courses I would like to attend a lecture class, exam take notes, exams should be no problem.

About work: every freshmen want to get a job at the university to exercise their own. I was no exception, experiencing a lot of job interviews, into the three departments. Will certainly be a little tired, a little busy, but I am full, know a lot of people, make more friends, learned a great deal of knowledge not in books. Learning to do the work of the best things correct.

About life: as born in Wuhan, is the first time I came to the University of fully independent living. From open water to the laundry to wash, to organize the House 。.。 Everything seemed very used to. Without the help of parents and care, even nagging, autonomy back to me. More were free, were less constrained; more hard copies, far fewer care; more were lazy, far fewer urge 。.。 but bedroom, the students have the help and concern, I also feel the general home warmth.

I believe in learning, work, find the balance between three aspects of life, go hand in hand, college life will be our life a perfect memory!

Thank you! The end of my speech!

2021课前三分钟英语演讲稿 篇9

Everybody has a dream,Martin Lutherking has a dream----and we can all recall his Civil Rights Speech.

Phil Knight had a dream --and now the wohole world knows his Nike slogan:"just do it.

" I also have a dream I have a dream, that is, one day my parents get old, they will not have any diseases, any pains or any sorrow.

They will live happily until the day they have to leave for the other world.

There’s always plenty of sunshine in their everyday life.

This is my dream and it is my greatest happiness.

I have a dream, that is, one day all the dogs in the world will have their homes.

They will be kindly taken care of, they will be deeply loved and they will be the most valuable friends to people.

I also hope, all the people in the world will realize that dogs are the connection between human beings and heaven.

This is my dream and it is my greatest happiness.

I have a dream, that is one day there will be no wars in the world.

No blood, no wounds, no deaths, no hate, only love and responsibility.

We live together and love each other.

There is no difference between us. this is my dream, this my greatest happiness.

I have a dream , I have thousands of dreams.

I dream that one day they can come true.

This is my dream and it is my greatest happiness.
