

关于妈妈的英语演讲稿2024 篇1


My name is steven . I'm 10 years old, Today my topic is my family .

I have a happy family . There are three members:My father , My mother and me . My parents love mevery much .

My mother is Chinese teacher . She is very tall and thin . Her face looks small and her eres are very beautiful . My mother is very warm and friendly to others , but she is very strict with me .

My father is a professional accountant . He works hard every day . He likes playing football . I usually play with him . We enjoy ourselves every time .

My dream is to be a police officer when I grow up . Everyboy , please cheer me on !

Thanks ! Thanks you very much !

关于妈妈的英语演讲稿2024 篇2

I love my mother.She is tall and thin.She has long and black hair.She isvery beautiful.She is about 30 years old.

She is a good teacher.She is strict about her students's studies.Everydayshe left her students' hall, but she also pay attention to their learning.She isvery busy.Even on Saturday and Sunday, she will put own day as preparation.Evenif she is so busy, she still finds time to help me with my studies and playsball games with me.

She is hard-working ,kind and patient.I remember one time I went to apicnic.She looks after me all the way.She has two children,one is me,another ismy elder brother.My mother like us very much.

I like her very much!I hope my family will happily all the way.





关于妈妈的英语演讲稿2024 篇3

Winters in taipei are very cold during the evening and very windy duringthe daytime.

I usually look forward to the lunar new year's day and the winter vacationwhen i can go to the village where the climate is warmer during theseholidays.

Also, i look forward to seeing my grandmother, great-grandmother, and myfriends in the village; i like my grandmother's food very much. Winter is thetime everyone is in a festive mood.

In the city, i usually do a lot of reading at home in the winter because ofthe cold weather outside.

关于妈妈的英语演讲稿2024 篇4

Dear leaders and teachers:

Good morning!

"Youth" in the history of the history of the Han Dynasty, the original intention of the spring, that is, the beginning of a year. Now, a symbol of youth blooming vitality and vigor, infinite passion and dream and unremitting struggle and enterprising, at the same time, the youth also means sentimental, immature and ignorant, we only set a correct world outlook, outlook on life and value view, can in the long life journey grasp the right direction. Life rushed for decades, perishable years, gradually old youth, Mo lightly, white young head, empty mournful "adage moment in the haunted, time waits for no man, exactly young students, since when run, enthusiasm betting to his career, selfless offer sacrifice" magic "for the youth to depict the most gorgeous color mosaic, let youth in the dedication of burning out the most dazzling fireworks.

Doctors and teachers, two holy and glorious career, childhood I Huaichuai favor the two ideal difficult trade-offs, and now I want to thank fate, let me from medical school after graduation to become a teacher can have their cake and eat it. When I first station in three feet of speaking in front of, facing both knowledge of eyes and sacred mission feeling arises spontaneously, I clearly know "the teacher, proselytizes instructs dispels doubt" the profound meaning, Han Yu will preach on the first, is to tell us as a good teacher, first of all, we should pay attention to the cultivation of student's personality, cultivate first then teach and not sc ripted the written knowledge cramming plug to the students is accomplished by. Especially as a teaching of medical courses teachers, I always put "health system, life entrusted" the oath of a medical student engraved in the heart, this simple eight word, as a medical worker, the expression of incisively and vividly, and my duty is to cultivate medical ethics, medicine, has the sense of responsibility of the three talent.

Youth is charming, many people in the youth brilliance wrote a brilliant life, Song Dynasty 21 of Xin Qiji "cavalry, gas swallow 10000 such as the momentum of the tiger" dispell resistant Staphylococcus; Premier Zhou at the age of 19 wrote the magnificent "river song strike turned East" to express the youth dedicated to the cause of liberation of the motherland determination; Comrade Lei Feng joined the army at 19 years old, Gan for revolution of the screw nail, selfless dedication, wholeheartedly serve the people, only 22 years old gave young life. They stand tide hero, is never falling stars, is a model of my heart. If the distance of their era said some of our distant, if they are in a specific historical period of "brave" to reflect the new age young people's thoughts and spiritual, then under the new situation of the age of heroes, Navy Dalian Naval Academy Department of Political Science Professor Fang Yonggang comrades, his deeds enough to touched each and every one of us. Fang Yonggang has long been engaged in political theory teaching and research work, for more than 20 years, he always put study the innovation theory of the Communist Party as their sacred mission, firm, selfless, passion for working, even terminally ill also shed down shoulder the responsibilities, his demeanor and character shows the noble realm of the power of a communist political beliefs and outstanding teachers.

"The moon reflected in water rivers, cloudless Wanli days", I want to the Comrade Fang Yonggang as a learning model, Tuijin flashy, open mind and shaping life atmosphere, thought of the big state. Example in the former emulate, and I will in a high sense of responsibility and mission, imparting knowledge and educating people, the paragon of virtue, assiduous climb, innovation and enterprising, make its greatest contribution to the reform and development of medical education.

Dedication is a kind of not to return to give, dedication is a noble sentiment, but also a common spirit; not only contains the lofty realm, but also contains a different level. Dedication is both in the country and the people in need of critical moment to come forward, die for the sake of righteousness, fusion and penetration in their daily work and life. Some people said: "the image of teachers is a candle, for students to give all of the light and heat; teacher's personality is burning, for students who would like to go to the destruction of their own; teacher's behavior is a model, for student candidly reveal pure and upright; teacher's joy is the dedication, for students to do a filled with blood boil. Long road dedication to the distance, roses dedicated to love; white clouds dedicated to grassland, rivers and dedication to the ocean; and my youth and enthusiasm, to give my students, dedication to the education of my love.








关于妈妈的英语演讲稿2024 篇5

My favorite food is Chinese dumpling; its pronunciation is jiao zi inChinese. It is a traditional Chinese food and essential during holidays inNorthern China. And it is also popular in other Chinese holidays or festivals,so it is part of the Chinese culture or tradition.

I like eating dumpling not because I am from Northern China but because itis really very delicious and stand for reunion. My family usually eat dumplingwhen all the members of family come together. Making dumplings with my sistersis the happiest thing for me.

Chinese dumpling is one of the most important foods in Spring Festival.Since Chinese food is famous all over the world, if you ask a foreigner how aboutChinese food, they will be full of praise.

When we see the movie, Chinese food is praised by the people. Recently,there is a famous movie called A Bite of China, the movie is popular, itintroduces Chinese food from different places. The audience is attracted by thedelicious food, they never thought Chinese food would be so various. Now thesecond part of the movie has been made out, more and more Chinese traditionalfood has been introduced. After appreciating the movie, I begin to learn moreabout Chinese food, I want to have taste of them. I am so proud of our food,when we talk about it to foreign friends, we can feel their favor of our food.The food is part of our culture, they should be inherited.

关于妈妈的英语演讲稿2024 篇6

My dream is to become a dancer, one day, I will stand in the center of thestage, in the colorful lights, listening to beautiful music, dance the dance ofthe swans. My dream and a big dance room, teach children beautiful dance.

Every time I dance class time, carefully listening to every word theteacher, to see the teacher put every movement and dance. After returning home,I am not afraid of tired, not afraid of hardship, and practice again and again,just for my dance more beautiful, to make my movements more standard, make medance full of soul, like a puppet with life. I am not proud, I will refine on,make me become a good dancer.

I hope that one day, my dream will come true.

关于妈妈的英语演讲稿2024 篇7

I'm a lifelong traveler. Even as a little kid, I was actually working out that it would be cheaper to go to boarding school in England than just to the best school down the road from my parents' house in California.

我这辈子都是个旅行者。 即使还是一个小孩子的时候, 我便了解,事实上, 去读英国寄宿学校会比 去加州父母家附近 最好的学校就读还来得便宜。

So, from the time I was nine years old I was flying alone several times a year over the North Pole, just to go to school. And of course the more I flew the more I came to love to fly, so the very week after I graduated from high school, I got a job mopping tables so that I could spend every season of my 18th year on a different continent.

所以,当我 9 岁时, 我在一年中,会独自飞行几回, 穿越北极,就只是去上学。 当然,飞得越频繁, 我越是爱上旅行, 所以就在我高中毕业后一周, 我找到一份清理桌子的工作, 为了让自己可以在 18 岁那年, 在地球不同的大陆上, 分别待上一季。

And then, almost inevitably, I became a travel writer so my job and my joy could become one.

接着,几乎不可避免地 我成了一个旅游作家, 使我的工作和志趣 可以结合在一块儿。

And I really began to feel that if you were lucky enough to walk around the candlelit temples of Tibet or to wander along the seafronts in Havana with music passing all around you, you could bring those sounds and the high cobalt skies and the flash of the blue ocean back to your friends at home, and really bring some magic and clarity to your own life.

我真的开始发觉 如果你可以幸运地 漫步于西藏的烛光寺庙, 或者在音乐的缭绕间 悠然信步于哈瓦那海岸, 你便能将那声音、天际 与靛蓝海洋的闪烁光芒 带给你家乡的朋友, 真确地捎来些许神奇, 点亮自身生命。

Except, as you all know, one of the first things you learn when you travel is that nowhere is magical unless you can bring the right eyes to it.

除了,如你们所知, 当旅行时,你学到的第一件事情是 你必须以正确的视角看世界, 否则大地依然黯淡无光。

You take an angry man to the Himalayas, he just starts complaining about the food. And I found that the best way that I could develop more attentive and more appreciative eyes was, oddly, by going nowhere, just by sitting still.

你带一个易怒的男人爬喜马拉雅山, 他只会抱怨那儿的食物。 我发现,有点怪异的是, 最好的让自己可以培养 更专注和更珍惜世界的视角的诀窍是 哪儿都不去,静止于原处即可。

And of course sitting still is how many of us get what we most crave and need in our accelerated lives, a break. But it was also the only way that I could find to sift through the slideshow of my experience and make sense of the future and the past.

当然呆在原地正是我们许多人 寻常所得到的东西, 我们都渴望在快速的生活中获得休息。 但那却是我唯一的方法, 让自己可以重历自身的经验幻灯, 理解未来与过去。

And so, to my great surprise, I found that going nowhere was at least as exciting as going to Tibet or to Cuba.

如此,我惊异地发现, 我发现无所去处 和游览西藏或古巴一样,令人兴奋。

And by going nowhere, I mean nothing more intimidating than taking a few minutes out of every day or a few days out of every season, or even, as some people do, a few years out of a life in order to sit still long enough to find out what moves you most, to recall where your truest happiness lies and to remember that sometimes making a living and making a life point in opposite directions.

无所去处,只不过意谓着 每天花几分钟, 或每季花几天, 甚至,如同有些人所做的, 在生命中花上几年 长久地静思于某处, 寻找感动你最多的一瞬, 回忆你最真实的幸福时刻, 同时记住, 有时候,谋生与生活 彼此是处于光谱线上的两端的。

And of course, this is what wise beings through the centuries from every tradition have been telling us.

当然,这是明智的众生历经几百年 从每个传统中所告诉我们的。

It's an old idea. More than 2,000 years ago, the Stoics were reminding us it's not our experience that makes our lives, it's what we do with it.

这是一个古老的概念。 早在两千多年前, 斯多葛学派提醒我们 并不是我们的经验 成就了我们的生命, 而是我们用那经验做了什么。

Imagine a hurricane suddenly sweeps through your town and reduces every last thing to rubble. One man is traumatized for life.

想象一下,一阵飓风 迅速扑向你的城市, 将所有一切化为废墟。 某个人身心遭受终身顿挫

But another, maybe even his brother, almost feels liberated, and decides this is a great chance to start his life anew. It's exactly the same event, but radically different responses. There is nothing either good or bad, as Shakespeare told us in "Hamlet," but thinking makes it so.

但另一个人,也许甚至是他的兄弟, 却几乎感觉释怀, 并认定,这是一个可以 使自己重获新生的重要机会。 这是同样的事件, 截然不同的回应。 没有什么是绝对的好坏, 正如莎士比亚 在《哈姆雷特》中所告诉我们的, 好坏由思维决定

And this has certainly been my experience as a traveler. Twenty-four years ago I took the most mind-bending trip across North Korea. But the trip lasted a few days.

关于妈妈的英语演讲稿2024 篇8

They say that when you die your life flashes before your eyes。 Will you seeany-thing other than a small black box in the corner of your room? What have youchanged in th world? What will you leave behind?


Or maybe you are surrounded by people all the time。duanwenw。 You are thecenter of attention and everybody loves you。 You go out with your friends,partying and having fun, but what about in the morning? You wake up with asevere headache and an upset stomach。 What about your death? Do you think it wastime to go?


You could be the exact opposite。 You may want pany, but for whatever reasonnot have it。 Maybe you’re scared or shy。 You go home, lock yourself in yourroom, and sink into anger。


Are you an adventurer? Will your love of adventure lead to your end? Youcan never be quite sure when your heart and spirit will be broken。 All youradventures will one day be forgotten and it will all have been for nothing。


Or maybe you played it safe your entire life。 You outlived all thoseothers, but what for? You never did anything great; you never made anything ofyourself。 You’re alone in all your security, but that worth it? You just took upspace on th earth。


They say that when you die, your life flashes before your eyes。 What willyou see?


关于妈妈的英语演讲稿2024 篇9

Now, everyone is advocated to save, in addition to material things, there is time, also need to save.

In fact, one minute can do a lot of things, in a book, I see you can write more than 20 words a minute, can walk one hundred steps, we can see 1-2 pages. After watching, I couldn't help wonder: if do it for an hour, you can write more than one thousand words, walk thousands of step road, like dozens of pages, original, as long as make full use of their time, still can do a lot of things in a day!

Back when I was a child, every time I write a summer and winter vacation homework is in the last days of summer and winter vacation last half a month. Why is that? Because I had too much homework? Or because of me what is causing the delay time? Neither. Is because I was not good to save time, don't have to arrange their own time, I always play in the first place, only a little homework every day, until the final assault began. Because of this, my second grade every summer and winter vacation had bad, is a holiday with regret.

You can think about it, how many people regret for wasted time, and how many people because there is no cherish their own time, and missed a lot of things. "If then arrange their own time!" , "if could save time" at that time some people will say so. But, time is not flow back, and so sorry, as now, starts from me, to save time!

关于妈妈的英语演讲稿2024 篇10

A child, I used to sit in front of the television, dance fascinated, immersed in the beautiful melodies and dancers who dance in the gentle, and since then, I have forged a bond with the dance.

From kindergarten on, I will be practicing dance, to the second grade, my teacher and my dance theater branch Zhuji contest, the results won the second prize, teacher bonuses bought me a beautiful costume so, I would be more interested in dance.

Third grade, my mother gave me a packet of Latin dance training, I feel like I would have been like, a class down, the teacher praised my mother straight high-savvy, smart, studious, I listened to my heart the first flattered at first, but my mother I exercise, but then the more I jump better, skip the more interested, so, I have always been for three years, from the interruption.

Now, my classmates and I are working together to rehearse a dance for the race, trained in the last few days of back pain, I wanted to quit several times to give up, but with perseverance and love of dance led me to produce dispel this idea . What I like to share this awkward dance that dance became my hobby never let go of my dancing career will go on forever.

关于妈妈的英语演讲稿2024 篇11

my favourite colour is green,we can see the colour.

everywhere:tree leaves are green,grass is green and so on.green is also a healthy colour,during our lives,we seeing this colour more often is good for our eyes,and why we dont called those natural food like red food,blue food or purple food? so you can understand how impotant it is.green means life,hope youth and etc.thats my favourite colour:green,i hope more and more people will like green like me.

thanks for listing!

关于妈妈的英语演讲稿2024 篇12

Not long after an old Chinese woman came back to China from her visit to her daughter in the States, she went to a city bank to deposit the US dollars her daughter gave her. At the bank counter, the clerk checked each note carefully to see if the money was real. It made the old lady out of patience.

At last she could not hold any more, uttering. "Trust me, Sir, and trust the money. They are real US dollars. They are directly from America."

关于妈妈的英语演讲稿2024 篇13

Hello everyone!I'm so pround that I stand here to make a speech.Today my topic is "defeat".

According to The New Oxford Dictionary of English,frustration,bydefinition,means the feeling of being upset or annoyed,especially because ofinability to change or achieve something.Since frustration seems to be anegative feeling,some people may be tempted to think that frustration is bad forpeople.They believe that constant frustration may cause serious mentalproblems.People suffering from such psychological problems often resort toviolence or suicide,which poses a big threat to the people around them and thuscauses instability to the whole society.

Others,however,hold a different view.They maintain that it is beneficial topeople.It goes side by side with success.It inspires people to overcomehardships and difficulties and achieve the final success.People with this vieweven go so far as to say that no frustration,no success.Indeed,we cannot alwayshope to embrace success and never accept failure.And most importantly,only if welearn from many a failure can we do things better and finally overcome such abad feeling as frustration.

Frustration thus is part of our life experience.In our process of growingup,we may inevitably experience it when confronted with situations that don’tcome up to our expectations.It is a test of our courage when it befalls us.If welet it control us,we may fall into the abyss of being inflicted by seriouspsychological problems.But if we harness it and take it as our source ofinspiration,we may ultimately enjoy the glory of success.

Thank you for your listening!

关于妈妈的英语演讲稿2024 篇14

Good frnoon, honorbl juds, dr chrs ∓ frinds.

I'm Li Snhn from h Univrsiy of Inrnionl Businss ∓ Economics. Do you know wh d is i ody? Tody is h Olympic D. I'm so ld o snd hr ody o shr my id bou Bijin Olympic Gms ohr wih you ll. Th il of my spch is: wh cn w do for Bijin Olympic Gms?

Firs of ll, l m ll you sory h hppnd 2 yrs o. A h nd of Auus, 20xx, whn I dcidd o com o Bijin for sudy, my frinds hl* * rwll ry for m. Thy sid: fr your rduion, you should look for job in Bijin, nd hn in 20xx, w shll o o visi you durin h Olympic Gms. I luhd nd nswrd: OK, no problm!

Tim flid nd 2 yrs pssd. ow I m rdu. My chrs nd clssms lwys sk m: wh's your pln fr your rduion? Go bck hom, sy in Bijin, or o o som ohr plcs? And I lwys nswr: I will sy in Bijin. I mk his dcision no bcus of my promis o my frinds 2 yrs o, bu bcus: I'v flln in lov wih Bijin! I'm r o wlcom h comin Olympic Gms ohr wih my fllow counrymn, nd I wish I could do somhin for h Olympics ∓ for h ciy.

As w know, Bijinwill hos h 29h Summr Olympic Gms in 20xx. As Chins, I hink mny popl r hinkin: wh w cn do for Bijin Olympic Gms. Mos of us r no hls, w cnno k pr in compiions dircly; w r no officils ihr, w don' nd o do h prprory work. W r only ordinry popl, wh w cn do!

Thr r sill so mny hins w cn do! For mpl, for m, I m rdu mjorin Businss Enlish. As fr s I m concrnd, I will kp on lrnin Enlish hrd, nd pply for bin volunr. I will us Enlish o srv h Gms ohr wih ohr volunrs. And lso, s businssmn h im, I will vil myslf of h r commrcil opporuniis h h Olympics brins o us, mk mor ffors o offr my conribuion o h rowh of our nionl conomy.

And for ll of us, wih h ol o hos &quo;Grn Olympics&quo;, w shll pln mor rs, rss ∓ flowrs. Don' ws wr. In ordr o llvi h problms of ir polluion ∓ rffic consions, w shll k buss ∓ subwys mor. Wih h ol o hos &quo;opl's Olympics&quo;, nd in ordr o mk our Olympics mor rciv nd o mk our Bijin mor buiful, w shll hlp vryon w m who nds hlp, w shll bid by rffic ruls, don' smok in public nd no spiin. Th mos imporn wy for our Chins o suppor our Bijin Olympic Gms, in my opinion, is o work hrd on our duis.

关于妈妈的英语演讲稿2024 篇15

Being grateful is an important philosophy of life and a great wisdom. It is impossible for anyone to be lucky and successful all the time as long as he lives in the world .We should learn how to face failure bravely and to try to deal with it.

I think we should be grateful to life whenever we are unsuccessful or unlucky. Only by doing this can we find our weakness and shortcomings when we fail .We can also get relief and warmth when we are unlucky. Being grateful is a way to sing for our life which comes just from our love and hope.

关于妈妈的英语演讲稿2024 篇16

The Ancient Architecture

Chinese architecture is an independent art featuring wooden structures. It consists of various roof molding, upturned eaves and wings, dougong with paintings, vermilion pillars and golden roofs, ornament gates and gardening. All of these embody the maturity and artistic appeal of Chinese architecture. 7000 years ago, mortise and tenon and tongue-and-groove were used in Hemudu. The buildings of Banpo village had the division of antechamber and back rooms. Great palaces were built in Shangyin period. Bricks and tiles were used and the layout of Siheyuan emerged in the Western Zhou. There are even building drawings in Spring and Autumn and the Warring States periods passed down.

In Qin and Han, wooden building tended to be mature gradually. Complex buildings, like Epang Palace, were constructed. Temples and pagodas developed rapidly in the period of Weijin and Southern and Northern dynasties. Glass tiles used in Sui and Tang made the building more glorious. The city construction in the period of Five dynasties and Song was booming. Luxury restaurants and shops with lofts and railings were very beautiful. Many palaces and private gardens built in Ming and Qing are reserved today, which are more magnificent and stately than that of the Song Dynasty.

关于妈妈的英语演讲稿2024 篇17

It’s beyond reproach that we will come across all kinds of difficulties andchallenges in our life time .Some will be subjected to frequent sadness .Somewill lose their way to move on .Thus,only when we equip ourselves with hope andcourage can we finally succeed in the uncertain future.

Forrest Gump showed so great courage in the movie that he touched me a lot. For one thing,no matter when and where Jenny got into trouble ,Forrest Gumpwould bring her out of it without thinking how dangerous the situation would be.Maybe we should all fell ashamed that we love ourselves more than we love love,but Forrest showed great courage in love .For another,Forrest gump risked hislife to save Bubba in the war.It’s courage that helped Forrest gain a series ofhonor after war .Forrest Gump is beautiful for his perseverance and touchesothers with his courage.

A person can’t do without courage in terms of love and friendship ,letalone life . A weak person may avoid the difficulties ,but a person with couragewill face up to it head-on. Therefore,let’equip ourselves with greatcourage.





关于妈妈的英语演讲稿2024 篇18

Honourable judges, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, good morning. Humanism, by which I mean the will to give people love and care, is the most joyful and meaningful part of being human. From the old days to technologically advanced world, humanism is always telling ordinary but moving stories.

Let me tell you what touched my heart this winter break, one morning when I visited my grandmother in the hospital. Walking down the cold, tiled corridor, I noticed an old man, with his granddaughter – maybe 10 years old – sitting by his side. I was lured there by her voice – light and playful – and after I'd seen them together, I could barely take my eyes away. Delicately draped over this old man's beeping cardiograph was a silk sheet with an ancient, cheerful Chinese poem beautifully written on it – and now, this little girl's entrancing voice lovingly brought these words to life. I stood there transfixed; no longer did I see the family members swimming in nervousness; no longer did I feel the hospital's tense cloud of anxiety; no longer did I hear mortality's soft whispers in the corridors; instead, I saw a startling marriage of juxtaposing images and emotions. I was beholding, I realized, a bewilderingly simple yet overwhelmingly powerful metaphor – one that shows that no matter how cold an environment technology can conjure, humanity is always there. In the forefront or the fringes, it is always there.

For here it was, illustrated vividly before me – the coldness of technology embodied in the hospital walls, while the soulful words of the little girl danced around them in defiance.

This experience opened my eyes in many ways – ever since, I have been acutely aware of, and wonderfully conscious of, the warm heart of humanity surrounding us, whether we choose to recognise it or not. As one psychological theory states, "We see what we want to see". After my experience that day at the hospital, I have chosen to recognize, day by day, the warmth of humanism everywhere I can.

I refuse to accept the negative, narrow-minded, caustic opinions that technology is eroding our souls. I say to them, let the machines continue their monotonous cacophony, for just one smiling face is infinitely more valuable than a thousand churners of binary code; let technological progress develop and develop until it poetically devours itself, because one heartfelt "hello" to a fellow traveller can speak libraries of warmth; let the powermongers and oil barons puff their last cigars, because the love and care, and warmth of humanism will always shine like beacon, reaching out to each and every heart on this small planet.

Although I'll probably never see that little girl or her grandfather again, I'll never forget seeing them there in the hospital that day – and if I did, I'd thank them for showing me how vivid yet subtle, how firm yet fragile, and how invisible yet omnipresent the human spirit is in our world today. Thank you.

关于妈妈的英语演讲稿2024 篇19

ladies and gentlemen , good afternoon! i’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is “youth”. i hope you inance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease. this often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 . nobody gro men and from the infinite, so long as you are young .

es from every detail in our life . financial problems , poor health , being laid off may be the stress that most adults noe other problems will also annoy us . i think we will worry a lot about our ability to compete in the job market and how we can best use what we’ve learned at college in our future job .

关于妈妈的英语演讲稿2024 篇20

My mother is a junior high school teacher. She teaches English.

My mother gets up at 6a.m. every day and has breakfast at 6:30a.m. Shealways arrives at school at 7:25 a.m. She usually has two lessesons in themorning. In the afternoon, she have one lesson. After school, she playsvolleyball with her students.

In the evening, she cooks dinner. After dinner, she prepares her lessons.She sometimes help me with my homework. She usually goes to bed at 11p.m.

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however, fraternal love is not stable. being away for too a long time, losing all common benefits, friends will become estranged. once their interest has changed, they no longer understand each other, and even this would harm friendship. at all times and in all countries, many close friends and battle companions who once worked together and fought together became enemies in the end. quiet a few of the emperors in ancient china even killed those who had helped them found their dynasties. the taiping heavenly kingdom would not have failed if it hadn't been for the contending and massacring among the those who first rose in rebellion at the beginning of the uprising. what else we need to pay attention to is that some friends, after being away from each other for too long a time, have lost so much of their original characters that when meeting again, you will feel that you are still the same as you were, while they are no longer themselves. they may have the same feeling about you, so sometimes it's better not to meet each other again. as the chinese proverb goes “friendship can not last for three years and flowers can not stay in blossom for three months”.it's not so easy to maintain real friendship which needs mutual understanding, tolerance and sacrifice. any kinds of harsh treatment will damage friendship.

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Good morning everyone,today is my turn to the speech. Can Money BuyHappiness?Can money buy happiness? Different people have different opinions.Some think yes, while others hold the opposite.It is true that with enough moneyone can buy all the things one wants, and live a life of comfort and security.However, it is equally true that lack of money causes great distress. It is acommon view that "money is the root of all evil." The pursuit of money drivesmany people to cheat and steal. In some places there is nothing that cannot bebought with money, resulting in corrupt societies where everybody ismiserable.So, money does not necessarily mean happiness. It all depends on howit is used. If we make honest and sensible use of money, it can be astepping-stone to happiness l Although money cannot buy happiness, it can makehappiness possible if it is employed sensibly.

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Teachers and students:

Good morning, my topic today: " let the flowers of civility bloom everywhere on our campus".

First of all, let's look at a few happy phenomenon in the campus:

In the morning, always see students carrying bags into the campus, take the time to carefully read early. There are many students on duty, under the guidance of the teacher, cleaning the class health; Or pick up fallen leaves and scraps of paper in the green lump-sum area. Class three ( 6 ) and class three ( 7 ) some students, carefully wipe the window every day, the window of their class is always the brightest.

At noon, the students lined up neatly, some go to the dining room, some go home or by parents to send rice. Dining room students finished after finishing tableware, turn over the stool, and then out of the dining room, never take out of the dining room didn't eat chicken legs and other food; And go home to eat or send rice to school students, also in accordance with the requirements of the school, took the food in the classroom for dinner, after eating the tableware to bring home to parents.

In the evening after school, the students under the guidance of the teacher, lined up, with the harvest of a day's study, by the parents to pick up home.

In fact, good behavior habits, is the premise of our smooth learning, is also the basis of establishing a healthy personality. Liang Qichao, a famous scholar, once said that juvenile wisdom is national wisdom, juvenile strong is strong. We are the flowers of the motherland, we are the future of the motherland. If we develop civilized behavior habits, learning environment must be good, orderly.

Unfortunately, around us, there are always some discord - homophonic symbol. Below, let's go to capture:

Every noon, always see some children playing at the edge of the lotus pool, looking at the swimming pool goldfish, can't help but held out his hand to catch goldfish. You know, it's neither civilized nor safe. Willow branches at the edge of the pool pulled out a new bud, soft soft, looks really beautiful. But there are always some students like to climb. You know, you fold, then what people see? A few days ago, the school cherry blossoms opened, unexpectedly by a few third grade students in ornamental flowers and shook the tree, you know, you don't call it ornamental flowers, that call destruction.

Every Wednesday or Thursday, as long as the school to provide fruit, always can see everywhere throw leftover fruit, cement road in front of the first floor, lawn is particularly much. Aunt in charge of cleaning the school often told me about this matter, today in the teacher please those who throw students really can't eat can be thrown in the trash can, of course, it is best to take home to eat again. The main focus of our training in March is: don't run around between classes, take care of campus greening, peel scraps of paper consciously put into the dustbin. I just talked about those students, did you listen to the teacher in charge of education, do you do according to the teacher in charge?

Walk on the stairs of the second floor, the third floor, can always see one by one stainless steel tube was beaten. You know, that's stainless steel tube, didn't mean to damage public property, the steel tube will be flat like that? I don't know do some classmates, you see be beaten steel tube will not embarrassed.

Many of our classmates put the study of cultural knowledge in the first place, and often ignored the cultivation of social morality, civilized habits, and this should not be our primary school students in the 21st century. Here, I suggest that we should first be a decent person, a good student of civilization and courtesy. Remember a celebrity once said: the realization of virtue is made up of behavior, not by words, also should not stay in oral. Numerous examples show that the key to a brilliant career and a successful life is noble sentiment. On behalf of the future of our nation, we need to learn and inherit a lot of things, but the most basic question is: what kind of spiritual style, what kind of ideological quality and what kind of moral standards to take over the baton of human civilization. Civilization habit is the foundation of our study and life, is the arm of our healthy growth. Without civilization, there is no basic moral bottom line. Thousands of learning to learn to do reality, said is to learn to learn to be a person, learn to do civilized people, learn to do social people. Clean environment, civilized campus, start from me, let the flower of civilized etiquette in our campus everywhere in bloom!

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“once upon a time,there was a king who had a daughter as beautiful as a blooming all the suitors who came to the king's palace to ask for the hand of the princess,the old king assigned three tasks to be accomplished,each next to day,into the king's palace came a handsome young prince..." well, you know the rest. the three tasks may be different in different versions, but the main plot is always the same, with the prince claiming the princess's hand triumphantly.

and the ending is always the same,finishing with the line "and they live happily every after."

why aren't we tired of something so fanciful,so unrealistic, and, i would say, so unimaginative?how can a story like that endure generations of repetition`? because, i think, it is a typical success story. it is highly philosophical and symbolic. by implication, we see a 4-step definition of success: 1 ) a goal to be set. as represented by the beautiful princess; 2 ) challenges to be met, as represented by the three tasks; 3 ) the process of surmounting difficulties, as represented by the ordeals the youth goes through; and 4 ) the reward of success, as represented by the happy marriage.

the story not only caters to everyone's inward yearning for success, but also emphasizes the inseparability of the process and the result. the reward of success will be much amplified if the path leading towards it is treacherous, and vice versa. if a person inherits his father's millions and leads an easy life, he is not a successful person even in material terms, because there are no difficulties involved in his achieving affluence. the term "success", to be sure. will not sit still for easy definition. but as i understand it, the true meaning of success entails a combination of both the process and the satisfactory result of an endeavor. to clarify my view, let me give another analogy.

if we changed the rules of football,greatly enlarged the goal and sent away david seaman or any other goal keeper, so that another david, namely david beckham, could score easily, then scoring would not give him the thrill of accomplishment and the joy that it brings. if we further changed the rules by not allowing arsenal's defenders to defend, so that beckham needed only to lift a finger, actually a toe, to score, then there would be no game at all, because the meaning of winning would have disappeared. in accepting the challenge, in surmounting the difficulties and in enduring the hardship, success acquires its value. the sense of attainment varies in proportion to the degree of difficulties on overcomes.

the concept of success is not constant but relative because the nature of difficulty is also relative. something you do effortlessly might pose a great difficulty for a handicapped person. in acquiring the ability to do the same as you can, he or she achieve success. that's why we greatly admire stephen hawking, because, though confined to a wheel chair,he has contributed greatly to the field of science.

i myself, a rather shy person by nature who easily suffer from stage fright,had to pluck up great courage to take part in a speech contest like this. i could have stayed away and had an easy time of it by not entering the university level i chose to accept the challenge and to face the difficulties. now here i am. if i come out first, it will be a great success for me. if i come out last-i hope this will not be the case-but if i come out last, i will not call my attempt a failure, but will also celebrate it as a true success,because part of my goal is my own character training-to do more assertive, to be brave in face of me,it is a meaningful step forward, small as it is, in the long journey toward the final success in my life, because i have truly gained by participating.

let us return to our handsome young prince and the 4-step definition of success. you my have noticed that the usual worldly criteria of

wealth,position and fame were not mentioned as part of the story, but rather, it emphasized the process of overcoming difficulties. the ancient wisdom had already defined the meaning of success, and this is my definition, too.

thank you.

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Dear students:


Hello, everyone. The title of my speech today is smile in the face of setbacks.


Today is September x, the beginning of our new school year and new junior three. Perhaps, in this year, we will pay immeasurable hardships, but we will also reap the joy of success and frustration after setbacks. Smiling in the face of setbacks is our magic weapon to win in this academic year. Only by smiling all the time can you support your confidence, raise the sails of self-confidence, keep fighting, and make you a warrior in front of difficulties!


Edison has failed numerous times for research; Madame Curie has suffered many setbacks for the success of the research on radium; Yuan Longping has suffered unimaginable blow for hybrid rice. However, they survived. They faced it with a smile and succeeded with a smile.


If you consider the difficulties we are facing as the biggest setback in our life, it is just a fuss. Our understanding of setbacks is just like our hazy ignorance of love. The true setbacks may be thousands or thousands of times more complicated than our current situation. If you look at Lincoln's life, you will understand what is the power of true setbacks and smiles.


Abraham Lincoln, 16th president of the United States: 22 years old, business failure. At the age of 23, he failed to run for Parliament. At 24, business failed again. 25 years old, elected member. 26 years old, lover died. 27 years old, a mental breakdown. At 29, he failed to run for the state speaker. 37 years old, elected to the house of Representatives. At the age of 39, the congressman was reelected. At 46, he failed to run for the Senate. At 47, he failed to run for vice president. At the age of 49, the campaign for senator failed again. 51 years old, elected president of the United States.


Balzac said: "things in the world are never absolute. The results vary from person to person. Suffering is a stepping stone for genius, a wealth for capable people and an abyss for the weak." We have to smile in the face of setbacks, in the face of failure, for the strong in life, setbacks are a stepping stone forever.


Napoleon said, "the best way to avoid failure is to be determined to succeed next time." It can be seen that the courage to face setbacks is drawn from a smile. We can't just stay in the pain of failure and do the indifferent struggle. Believe that your pain is only in the past, and tomorrow is full of hope! Smile in the face of setbacks and meet new challenges. In life, there are no winners and losers forever!


Smile like sunshine, bring warmth to the earth; smile like rain, moisten the earth. Smile has the same magic power as love, which can make the hungry and cold people feel the warmth of the world; it can make the desperate people see the hope of life again; it can make the lonely and helpless people obtain the spiritual comfort; it can also make the heart withered people feel the emotional moisture. The interpretation of happiness is smile; the meaning of happiness is smile; the essence of warmth is smile; the encouragement of frustration is smile; the symbol of strength is still smile. So, in the face of setbacks, hard journey of the third day of life, why don't we smile more?


In fact, this will be the first challenge in our life, a challenge to all the hardships, all the frustrations of the journey.


The meaning of frustration is very extensive: every class is called by the teacher, at a loss, it is a kind of frustration; when you have more cross marks in your homework than others, it is a kind of frustration; in physical education class, when your ball skill is a big part worse than others, it is also a kind of frustration; after the exam, your three digits are lower than your same level, it is also a kind of frustration.


After setbacks appear, you can ignore the mixed feelings in your heart, grasp your inner confidence and optimistic power, think calmly and face calmly!


Students, life is made up of so many setbacks. The sunshine of life comes from everyone's indomitable and indomitable fighting spirit. Not willing to be slaves to setbacks, but to be its master. This is our mission!


Every setback is a wealth. When we succeed in overcoming it and accumulate rich experience, we will fight bravely in the future exam room and even in the whole life!


Students, believe in practice! Smile in the face of setbacks, is your best choice!


Thank you, my speech is over.

关于妈妈的英语演讲稿2024 篇26

Ninety three percent of the worlds water is salt water and cannot be drunk. Fresh water only accounts for seven percent, while drinking water only accounts for eight percent. Five billion people in the world depend on drinking only 0.8% of the fresh water. Look, how valuable the water is!

How do we get the tap water we use every day? Dont think running water is all right. It was the worker uncle of the waterworks who introduced the river water or groundwater into the factory, put the water in the sedimentation tank, added the medicine for disinfection and sterilization, and removed the harmful and impurities. In this way, many pipes were buried underground. These pipes are connected one by one. They are the result of the hard work of many workers in Waterworks day and night. When we turn on the tap, we should think of how many workers uncles hard work are contained in the water!

Students, we are the little masters of the country. We should form a good idea and good habit of saving water from childhood. No matter in or out of school, we should pay attention to water conservation to avoid waste of water resources, do not let the tap drip, try to make rational and recycling use of water resources. We should be a good child who saves water with practical actions.

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One of my favorite movies growing up was The Wizard of OZ.


Did you ever see it?


In Dorothy's adventures, she was accompanied by theTin Man,who wanted aheart,

在多萝西的冒险故事中, 陪伴着她的是想要一颗心的铁皮人,

the Scarecrow,who wanted a brain,


the Lion,who wanted courage,and her faithful dog Toto.


At certain times in my life,I could relate to each of those characters,


I think we all can,


In fact, that’s probably one of the reasons why the movies are sopopular.


Sometimes we lack something.


Often it's courage.


Because we interact with people all day and we are often forced to be morepublic' than we'd like.


well,we have to muster our courage and perform in front of others,


It could be a job interview. it could be a presentation,


or it could be standing in front of a group and simply introducingyourself.


I think some people are naturally courageous.


They are great at public speaking,


They don't seem to get too nervous,


Others... well, just the thought of speaking in front of others causes themto get butterflies... to break out in a sweat, ...to start stuttering why isthat?


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列夫·托尔斯泰曾说过:每个人都想改变这个世界,但是没有人想到改变自己。 他说的很有道理,我们每个人都心怀伟大时志向,时刻准备去干一番能造福全人类的大事业。比如,我们痛恨环境污染,所以我们下定决心去开发新的更高效更干净的能源来保护我们的环境,但是同时我们却随手乱扔垃圾;我们抱怨大城市的交通堵塞,计划造更多的高速路来解决交通问题,但是我们从来没有想过,如果我们能遵守交通规则话,那么这一问题是不是可以得到很大得缓解呢?我们担心电视电影里面得暴力会对我们得孩子产生不良的影响,于是我们敦促政府通过立法来保护未成年人,但是我们这些大人又做得怎么样呢?我们为我们的下一代做好了表率吗?我们说粗话,甚至在孩子面前抽烟。不客气地说,我们对孩子的`不良影响更多!

在我看来,在我们打算改变这个世界之前,我们最好先改变一下自己。作为一个普通人,我们其实没有改变这个世界的能力,但是我可以改变我们随地扔垃圾,随地吐痰的坏习惯, 我们应该学会去保护环境,我们应该为我们的孩子起好的表率作用。


朋友,当您在做某一件事情的时候,请您想一想,您的行为会对您周围的人产生怎样的影响, 因为,您的行为不单单影响到您自己,还有您周围的人,更重要的是我们的孩子…甚至我们的世界。

关于妈妈的英语演讲稿2024 篇29

Someone said “we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite”. I don’t know who wrote these words, but I’ve always liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want it to be. We are all in the position of the farmers. If we plant a good seed ,we reap a good harvest. If we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all.

We are young. “How to spend the youth?” It is a meaningful question. To answer it, first I have to ask “what do you understand by the word youth?” Youth is not a time of life, it’s a state of mind. It’s not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips or supple knees. It’s the matter of the will. It’s the freshness of the deep spring of life.

A poet said “To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour. Several days ago, I had a chance to listen to a lecture. I learnt a lot there. I’d like to share it with all of you. Let’s show our right palms. We can see three

lines that show how our love.career and life is. I have a short line of life. What about yours? I wondered whether we could see our future in this way. Well, let’s make a fist. Where is our future? Where is our love, career, and life? Tell me.Yeah, it is in our hands. It is held in ourselves.

We all want the future to be better than the past. But the future can go better itself. Don’t cry because it is over, smile because it happened. From the past, we’ve learnt that the life is tough, but we are tougher. We’ve learnt that we can’t choose how we feel, but we can choose what about it. Failure doesn’t mean you don’t have it, it does mean you should do it in a different way. Failure doesn’t mean you should give up, it does mean you must try harder.

As what I said at the beginning, “we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite”. The past has gone. Nothing we do will change it. But the future is in frront of us. Believe that what we give to the world, the world will give to us. And from today on, let’s be the owners of ourselves, and speak out “We are the world, we are the future.”







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There are many popular singers in the world. However, Michael Jackson is my favorite one. He died when he was only fifty years old .I like his songs very much. He is so talented that people call him the king of pop. He could sing good songs and dance wonderfully. What's more, he is a kind-hearted man. He helped many poor children in the world. It is known to all he donated his money to the charity.

I respect and love him very much . In a word, he was not only a famous artist but also a great man in the world.I will learn from him and be a great person like him in the future.

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its a great honor for me to stand here to deliver a speech to you. then today i want to talk something about dreams and reality.

as the famous russian litterateur lev tolstoy said, “ideal is the beacon. without ideal, there is no secure direction; without a direction, there is no life.” so there’s no doubt that everyone needs his or her own ideal. have you ever thought that what is practical and sensible will connect with our most treasured dreams? maybe, to somebody, reality has little relation to ideal. to others nothing can be done without the sense of reality. so make our dreams a part of our reality. and make our reality a part of our dreams. there is no reason why our dreams must oppose our reality. improve our dreams and our reality by bringing them together.

as a university student, establishing a dream is one of the most important things we have to do .but everyone must see the reality clearly at first. your family condition, your personal ability, your social intercourse , your subject and the job you want to do, these things show you the reality and lead you to establish a dream.

further more, difficult or otherwise, we should put the power of reality into our dreams. last but not least remember to work hard at the task of chasing our dreams. do believe that we can achieve our ideal step by step by the passage of time!

in the end, i want to share with you a poetry named " i think i can"

maybe you can not understand the meaning of the poetry , but do not be worried ,let me tell you the meaning

thank you for your listening!

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My dear friends,

Hello everybody! My name is Chen Xuanlin. It is my pleasure to be here to share my opinions of growing pains.

Grow up, like a boat in my life, driving the wave surface. Sometimes, be in calm, sometimes be in rough. But the boat I was growing up, not everything is going. For me, sour,sweet,bitter,ho t,everything .

Now, as I grow up, are becoming adults, so in the eyes of parents, I was no longer to be a kid. Sometimes, they say "you've grown up,not a children!" When I listen to this,my head will be pain.

When I was a little boy, my life is so relaxed.But now, in front of the waves are bigger, and more twists and turns the sea,I become a middle school student, that I have all gone past. I'm taller, homework more, study more subjects,have more test.When I was a boy, I am wrong no matter what happened, no one to blame me.But now,if I do something wrong,my parents will shout. The relaxe time will far away from me.I will be more busy.

Study pressure always troubling me. Grown up, more work gradually like hills. After school, I do not dare to play, to see their favorite book, I'm afraid I can't complete the work, I can only try very hard to make the pen in my book on wave, for example, I have to run on the way home. The course also gradually heavy. Every home in the evening review, I looked at a lot of books, I really do not know to study what subject, is Chinese? Or math? Or geography? Or……

What should I do? To look life in the future.

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hello everyone!

High school will study with you. I feel very excited. Everyone will like to make friends with me after listening to my self introduction.

My name is . I'm a 17-year-old girl.

I'm also embarrassed to introduce myself to you at the beginning of school. Because I don't know myself very well.

Life can be divided into seven stages, childhood, adolescence, youth, adulthood, middle age and old age. We are young and it is time to shape our life values and goals. The main determinants of who we will be in the future will happen in the next three years of high school, so I am looking forward to the future high school life.

I like to recall my youth and the countless happiness my youth brings to me; And I am more longing to become an adult as soon as possible, because when I grow up, I can do what I like and no longer be restrained and constrained by others.

thank you.

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人有了钱就会变坏?社会心理学家Paul Piff通过操纵大富翁游戏做了一个有趣的实验,测试人们感到富有时会如何表现。

I want you to, for a moment, think about playing a game of Monopoly, except in this game, that combination of skill, talent and luck that help earn you success in games, as in life, has been rendered irrelevant, because this game's been rigged, and you've got the upper hand。 You've got more money, more opportunities to move around the board, and more access to resources。 And as you think about that experience, I want you to ask yourself, how might that experience of being a privileged player in a rigged game change the way that you think about yourself and regard that other player?

So we ran a study on the U。C。 Berkeley campus to look at exactly that question。 We brought in more than 100 pairs of strangers into the lab, and with the flip of a coin randomly assigned one of the two to be a rich player in a rigged game。 They got two times as much money。 When they passed Go, they collected twice the salary, and they got to roll both dice instead of one, so they got to move around the board a lot more。 (Laughter) And over the course of 15 minutes, we watched through hidden cameras what happened。 And what I want to do today, for the first time, is show you a little bit of what we saw。 You're going to have to pardon the sound quality, in some cases, because again, these were hidden cameras。 So we've provided subtitles。 Rich Player: How many 500s did you have? Poor Player: Just one。

Rich Player: Are you serious。 Poor Player: Yeah。

Rich Player: I have three。 (Laughs) I don't know why they gave me so much。

Paul Piff: Okay, so it was quickly apparent to players that something was up。 One person clearly has a lot more money than the other person, and yet, as the game unfolded, we saw very notable differences and dramatic differences begin to emerge between the two players。 The rich player started to move around the board louder, literally smacking the board with their piece as he went around。 We were more likely to see signs of dominance and nonverbal signs, displays of power and celebration among the rich players。

We had a bowl of pretzels positioned off to the side。 It's on the bottom right corner there。 That allowed us to watch participants' consummatory behavior。 So we're just tracking how many pretzels participants eat。

Rich Player: Are those pretzels a trick?

Poor Player: I don't know。

PP: Okay, so no surprises, people are onto us。 They wonder what that bowl of pretzels is doing there in the first place。 One even asks, like you just saw, is that bowl of pretzels there as a trick? And yet, despite that, the power of the situation seems to inevitably dominate, and those rich players start to eat more pretzels。

Rich Player: I love pretzels。


PP: And as the game went on, one of the really interesting and dramatic patterns that we observed begin to emerge was that the rich players actually started to become ruder toward the other person, less and less sensitive to the plight of those poor, poor players, and more and more demonstrative of their material success, more likely to showcase how well they're doing。 Rich Player: I have money for everything。 Poor Player: How much is that? Rich Player: You owe me 24 dollars。 You're going to lose all your money soon。 I'll buy it。 I have so much money。 I have so much money, it takes me forever。 Rich Player 2: I'm going to buy out this whole board。 Rich Player 3: You're going to run out of money soon。 I'm pretty much untouchable at this point。

PP: Okay, and here's what I think was really, really interesting, is that at the end of the 15 minutes, we asked the players to talk about their experience during the game。 And when the rich players talked about why they had inevitably won in this rigged game of Monopoly —— (Laughter) — they talked about what they'd done to buy those different properties and earn their success in the game, and they became far less attuned to all those different features of the situation, including that flip of a coin that had randomly gotten them into that privileged position in the first place。 And that's a really, really incredible insight into how the mind makes sense of advantage。

Now this game of Monopoly can be used as a metaphor for understanding society and its hierarchical structure, wherein some people have a lot of wealth and a lot of status, and a lot of people don't。 They have a lot less wealth and a lot less status and a lot less access to valued resources。 And what my colleagues and I for the last seven years have been doing is studying the effects of these kinds of hierarchies。 What we've been finding across dozens of studies and thousands of participants across this country is that as a person's levels of wealth increase, their feelings of compassion and empathy go down, and their feelings of entitlement, of deservingness, and their ideology of self—interest increases。 In surveys, we found that it's actually wealthier individuals who are more likely to moralize greed being good, and that the pursuit of self—interest is favorable and moral。 Now what I want to do today is talk about some of the implications of this ideology self—interest, talk about why we should care about those implications, and end with what might be done。
