

2024年英语演讲稿精彩范文 篇1

My Attitude towards to Marks 我的分数观

For our students, marks is above everything. Teachers will judge us from our marks. With marks we can be enrolled into junior middle schools. With marks, we can be enrolled into senior middle schools. With marks we can be enrolled into college. With marks we can be enrolled into postgraduate and doctrine studies. Still with marks we can be graded and be allowed to go abroad for further studies. Our parents will be strict with us with the marks. Our society judge us from marks. However, sometimes we students compare one another with marks directly. We are completely controlled by marks. We like them and we feel sorry for them. But what attitude towards our marks should we take?

Truly, marks functions cannot be underestimated. In terms of test in our study, marks are fair and real. That is the reason why we say "Everyone is equal before marks. "

However, I think marks are the sole standard to judge the success or failure of students in exams. Sometimes, marks more than ten or less than one or two in our exams comparing with others mean not everything. The success or failure in exams will be influenced by experience on the spot and the examinee’s health etc. Once in a while one cannot fail in exams. " Success or failure is common sense for military. " I think everyone is familiar with the famous saying. Don’t you think such will be the case with our study? In exams, one cannot be " never-defeated general" . Even though one will be very good in everyday study, he cannot succeed in every exam sometimes. We can get proof from the fact that the very best one we call "Number One Scholar" in the entrance exams for college and ordinary middle school and specialized secondary school over the years is not eminent above all others nor top student in every study.

As a matter of fact, "high marks" and "ability" are not unified. Some time ago, a new phrase " high marks but poor competence" came into being. Once I happened to meet such a teacher as this .It is said that the teacher just graduated from a far-famed key university. But his teaching result is much less than that of the one who just graduated from a not-well-renowned college. When lecturing, the teacher only repeated what the text-books says, which was very dull so the his students’ interest in learning was not aroused. His teaching was short of unity of teaching and learning. At present there is a fact that we know a few brilliant and top college graduates are not qualified for their posts. The reason for it may be lack of the ability to combine knowledge learnt from books with pragmatics in their work. Students of this kind will be successful in every exam but they will be able to use freely their knowledge in their posts. Don’t you think it waste training such persons for the country?

To sum up from the above, I can say marks are not absolutely authoritative for some. If we neglect training and developing the students’ ability and competence and if we only seek for the high marks, we will be absolutely wrong. We should take an objective attitude towards the marks. Neither should we neglect them nor should we overvalue them like a God.






2024年英语演讲稿精彩范文 篇2

Every kid needs a champion


I have spent my entire life either at the schoolhouse, on the way to the schoolhouse, or talking about what happens in the schoolhouse. Both my parents were educators, my maternal grandparents were educators, and for the past 40 years I've done the same thing. And so, needless to say, over those years I've had a chance to look at education reform from a lot of

perspectives. Some of those reforms have been good. Some of them have been not so good. And we know why kids drop out. We know why kids don't learn. It's either poverty, low attendance, negative peer influences. We know why. But one of the things that we never discuss or we rarely discuss is the value and importance of human connection, relationships.


James Comer says that no significant learning can occur without a significant relationship. George Washington Carver says all learning is understanding relationships. Everyone in this room has been affected by a teacher or an adult.

For years, I have watched people teach. I have looked at the best and I've look at some of the worst.

James Comer (美国著名儿童精神科医师)说过,没有强有力的联系,学习就不会有显著的进步。 George Washington Carver(美国著名教育学家)说过,学习就是理解各种关系。在座的各位都曾经被一位老师或者一个成年人影响过。这么多年,我都在看人们怎么教学。我看过最好的也看过最差的。

A colleague said to me one time, "They don't pay me to like the kids. They pay me to teach a lesson. The kids should learn it. I should teach it. They should learn it. Case closed."

一次有个同事跟我说, “我的职责不是喜欢那些孩子们。我的职责是教书。孩子们就该去学。我管教课,他们管学习。就是这么个理儿。”

Well, I said to her, "You know, kids don't learn from people they don't like." 然后,我就跟她说, “你知道,孩子们可不跟他们讨厌的人学习。”

(Laughter) (Applause)


She said, "That's just a bunch of hooey."


And I said to her, "Well, your year is going to be long and arduous, dear." 然后我对她说,“那么,亲爱的,你这一年会变得十分漫长和痛苦。”

Needless to say it was. Some people think that you can either have it in you to build a relationship or you don't. I think Stephen Covey had the right idea. He

said you ought to just throw in a few simple things, like seeking first to

understand as opposed to being understood, simple things like apologizing. You ever thought about thatTell a kid you're sorry, they're in shock.

事实也果真如此。有些人认为一个人或者天生可以建立一种关系或者不具有这种能力。我认为Stephen Covey(美国教育家)是对的。他说你只需要做一些简单的事情,比如试着首先理解他人,而不是想要被理解,比如道歉。你想过吗?跟一个孩子说你很对不起,他们都惊呆了。

I taught a lesson once on ratios. I'm not real good with math, but I was working on it. And I got back and looked at that teacher edition. I'd taught the whole lesson wrong. (Laughter)


So I came back to class the next day, and I said, "Look, guys, I need to apologize. I taught the whole lesson wrong. I'm so sorry."

所以我第二天回到班上说, “同学们,我要道歉。我昨天的课都教错了。我非常抱歉。”

They said, "That's okay, Ms. Pierson. You were so excited, we just let you go." (Laughter) (Applause)

他们说,“没关系,Pierson老师。你当时教得非常投入,我们就让你继续了。” (笑声)(掌声)

I have had classes that were so low, so academically deficient that I cried. I wondered, how am I going to take this group in nine months from where they

are to where they need to beAnd it was difficult. It was awfully hard. How do I raise the self-esteem of a child and his academic achievement at the same time


One year I came up with a bright idea. I told all my students, "You were chosen to be in my class because I am the best teacher and you are the best students, they put us all together so we could show everybody else how to do it."

有一年我有了一个非常好的主意。我告诉我的学生们, “你们进了我的班级,因为我是最好的老师,而你们是最好的学生,他们把我们放在一起来给其他人做个好榜样。”

One of the students said, "Really" (Laughter)

一个学生说,“真的吗?” (笑声)

I said, "Really. We have to show the other classes how to do it, so when we walk down the hall, people will notice us, so you can't make noise. You just have to strut." And I gave them a saying to say: "I am somebody. I was

somebody when I came. I'll be a better somebody when I leave. I am powerful, and I am strong. I deserve the education that I get here. I have things to do, people to impress, and places to go."

我说,“当然是真的。我们要给其他班级做个榜样,当我们走在楼道里,因为大家都会注意到我们,我们不能吵闹。大家要昂首阔步。” 我还给了他们一个口号:“我是个人物。我来的时候是个人物。我毕业的时候会变成一个更好的人物。我


And they said, "Yeah!"


You say it long enough, it starts to be a part of you.


And so — (Applause) I gave a quiz, 20 questions. A student missed 18. I put a "+2" on his paper and a big smiley face.


He said, "Ms. Pierson, is this an F"


I said, "Yes."


He said, "Then why'd you put a smiley face"


I said, "Because you're on a roll. You got two right. You didn't miss them all." I said, "And when we review this, won't you do better"

我说,“因为你正渐入佳境。你没有全错,还对了两个。” 我说,“我们复习这些题的时候,难道你不会做得更好吗?”

2024年英语演讲稿精彩范文 篇3

I tell you an experience of myself happened last week. lastthursday our school was tackling something about woking fou study. i wanted to have a try even though i knew the salary was so low and i had little chance,because the students who had the certificate were always thought to have priority to get the job.

fortunately i was called at noon and a teacher said to me that she wanted me to work for her and asked if i could change my mind. at that moment i was so excited that immediately i accepted her idea. but later on,she found me that im not a student,so i had little chance and suggest me to get one.

Then an idea occurred to me that i could call my father and ask him to send me the letter. at the same time i was told that i was admitted to the job and dont need the certificate. that time i forgot to remind my father,until the next day he called me that he had posted it and it would arrive in just one day. at that moment i was moved, and even moved into tears, because i knew my father was injured not long before,the process of helping me with the affairs was not so convenient for him. but he tried his best to help me.

sometimes we may complain about unsatisfying things around us,and blame them on our parents,sometimes theyll be angry with us, and sometimes we cant quite understand what they are thinking about. but on balance, almost every parent is selfless to his or her child. they are ready to offer everything to us when we are in bad situation. we used to sharing sorrow with them,but do not forget to share our happiness with them, perhaps they will be much happier than we are.

So from now on, lets care more about our parents and do not leave pity to them. thats what i want to tell you today.

thank you!

2024年英语演讲稿精彩范文 篇4

Good morning ladies and gentleman. My name is Miller. I’d like to talk to you today about the topic of Traffic Jams in Shanghai. The purpose of this talk is to analysis the problem of traffic jams and try to make some advices in my view. I shall only take about four minutes of your times. I’ve divided my presentation into three parts.

First. Status. Yesterday, I went to XuJiaHui. I start my route at 1:00pm. When I arrived home, it was 8:00pm. I only use nearly 3 hours on shopping. That means I almost waste 4 hours on the way. That is the Traffic Jams Status in Shanghai.

Second. Reasons. I found that the traffic management is the most serious problem in the traffic system. In some important crossroads, there are no enough traffic police to do the traffic grooming. It’s irrational. We paid so much taxes, but we cannot comfort what we should get. For example, on the overhead, two cars had made a traffic accident. This leaded the traffic jams. We had not see the traffic police from start to end. It took me nearly 10 minutes on the overhead. It was happened yesterday.

Third. To solve it. What I can advice is just add more traffic polices in the important crossroads. It’s the most useful way to solve the traffic jams. Because yesterday when we nearly went out the overhead, the speed was increased obviously. We found several traffic polices in the crossroad. They commanded cars and then the traffic went well.

That brings me to the end of my presentation. Let me just run over the key points again. Traffic jams was made by several resources. To solve it, we can depend on the traffic police. But for ourselves, to drive more carefully, more reasonably, maybe is another way to decrease the traffic jams.

Thank you for your attention. Any questions?

2024年英语演讲稿精彩范文 篇5


You are going to s a letter to your fri for the new year. Please write it in about 100 words and do not need to write the address.

Dear Mr. Carter,

As a new year comes across the corner, it gives us great pleasure to say how much we have appreciated working with you over the past twelve months. It was a good memory for me which I always kept in my mind. Would you be the same with me? Last year was a wonderful year and we both got many benefits and progress each other. I sincerely hope that our pleasant business relationship will continue for years to come.

Our staff here join me in wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Yours sincerely,

2024年英语演讲稿精彩范文 篇6

The weather in winter is a set of all the phenomena in a given atmosphereat a given time. It also includes interactions with the hydrosphere. The termusually refers to the activity of these phenomena over short periods (hours ordays), as opposed to the term climate, which refers to the average atmosphericconditions over longer periods of time. When used without qualification,weather" is understood to be the weather of Earth.

Winter is cold. Let’s play the snowball and make snowman. The snowman isbig . I like to play snowball. I am on the snow. The snow is cold. I have ascarf and coat. So I am not cold. I like the Christmas. Because I can see santaclus in Christmas . Christmas tree is beautiful. The presents are on theChristmas tree. I like winter. Do you like winter?

2024年英语演讲稿精彩范文 篇7

Hllo, vryon. Tody you rful?! Thr r mny kinds of Thnksivin, for mpl, s I wsin h son sins, w mus b rful prns, prns v us lif, ducion of our ln, so h ody w rhppy o work, hppy lif -- nd i is h hppy lif, hlp m, o ody's opic --&quo;Hppy Thnksivin&quo;.

Lmb knlin milk lov, crow ruriion-fdin ffcion, lwys hun m, cry, I hink. Asnw nrion, w sill nd o dvoc Thnksivin, Thnksivin hs ivn us lif nd morl culivion,hlh iud, hd of h hppy lif. Inspird by his, I in s: winr nih for my mohr in hswin, h 1000 hnd-million lins wovn I iv, rs of cimn momn by condnsion, I jus wno lov sound: Mom, you workd hrd!

So rful popl would complin, h will liv hppily forvr in lov shinin sunshin!In h fc of h drknss, h will mrch forwrd courously; in fc of filur, h willYucuoyuyon -- bcus h firmly bliv h: s lon s h sun, h shdows bhind him; bcus hknw: hr is no sunlih, no dircion, no prns, no our wondrful lif; no compny, wwill no work hppy; no riud, h world will bcom cold nd no lonr cu ......

In fc, lif is mirror, you luh i lso luh, you cry i is lso cryin. You r rfulo lif, your lif will b ivn o h sun; you blindly blm vryon nd vryhin bu no onslf,h rsul cn only b ll wsd! Ofn wih hr of riud, cn purify our hrs, o nhnc our mind,o shp our chrcr, o do &quo; dvnc dspi difficulis, opimisic nd hrdwork&quo; hppy umblr; in his wy, you cn do: h ncounr of lov sbcks, do no ivup; m h frusrions of lif, don' worry; m work hrdship, no frid ......

In our hr kind of Thnksivin mind, l h world b full of lov flowrs! Thnksivinso h w sincrly fcin lif, nhusism o ohrs, frnkly ccp lov. Thnksivin is no rliyscp, is lso kind of sinin wy of lif, bcus i coms from dp lov nd hop for lif.Grful popl mus b buiful, ccp h riud of h popl mus b hppy.

2024年英语演讲稿精彩范文 篇8

It is a commonplace among moralists that you cannot get happiness by pursuing it. This is only true if you pursue it unwisely. Gamblers at Monte Carlo are pursuing money, and most of them lose it instead, but there are other ways of pursuing money which often succeed. So it is with happiness. If you pursue it by means of drink, you are forgetting the hang-over. Epicurus pursued it by living only in congenial society and eating only dry bread, supplemented by a little cheese on feast days. His method proved successful in his case, but he was a valetudinarian, and most people would need something more vigorous. For most people, the pursuit of happiness, unless supplemented in various ways, is too abstract and theoretical to be adequate as a personal rule of life. But I think that whatever personal rule of life you may choose it should not, except in rare and heroic cases, be incompatible with happiness.

There are a great many people who have all the material conditions of happiness, i.e. health and a sufficient income, and who, nevertheless, are profoundly unhappy. In such cases it would seem as if the fault must lie with a wrong theory as to how to live. In one sense, we may say that any theory as to how to live is wrong. We imagine ourselves more different from the animals than we are. Animals live on impulse, and are happy as long as external conditions are favorable. If you have a cat it will enjoy life if it has food and warmth and opportunities for an occasional night on the tiles. Your needs are more complex than those of your cat, but they still have their basis in instinct. In civilized societies, especially in English-speaking societies, this is too apt to be forgotten. People propose to themselves some one paramount objective, and restrain all impulses that do not minister to it. A businessman may be so anxious to grow rich that to this end he sacrifices health and private affections. When at last he has become rich, no pleasure remains to him except harrying other people by exhortations to imitate his noble example. Many rich ladies, although nature has not endowed them with any spontaneous pleasure in literature or art, decide to be thought cultured, and spend boring hours learning the right thing to say about fashionable new books that are written to give delight, not to afford opportunities for dusty snobbism.

If you look around at the men and women whom you can call happy, you will see that they all have certain things in common. The most important of these things is an activity which at most gradually builds up something that you are glad to see coming into existence. Women who take an instinctive pleasure in their children can get this kind of satisfaction out of bringing up a family. Artists and authors and men of science get happiness in this way if their own work seems good to them. But there are many humbler forms of the same kind of pleasure. Many men who spend their working life in the city devote their weekends to voluntary and unremunerated toil in their gardens, and when the spring comes, they experience all the joys of having created beauty.

The whole subject of happiness has, in my opinion, been treated too solemnly. It had been thought that man cannot be happy without a theory of life or a religion. Perhaps those who have been rendered unhappy by a bad theory may need a better theory to help them to recovery, just as you may need a tonic when you have been ill. But when things are normal a man should be healthy without a tonic and happy without a theory. It is the simple things that really matter. If a man delights in his wife and children, has success in work, and finds pleasure in the alternation of day and night, spring and autumn, he will be happy whatever his philosophy may be. If, on the other hand, he finds his wife fateful, his childrens noise unendurable, and the office a nightmare; if in the daytime he longs for night, and at night sighs for the light of day, then what he needs is not a new philosophy but a new regimen----a different diet, or more exercise, or what not.

Man is an animal, and his happiness depends on his physiology more than he likes to think. This is a humble conclusion, but I cannot make myself disbelieve it. Unhappy businessmen, I am convinced, would increase their happiness more by walking six miles every day than by any conceivable change of philosophy.

2024年英语演讲稿精彩范文 篇9

With the development of the modern technology,private car is no longer a luxurious thing for ordinary people,more and more people drive to work instead of going by bus. The popularization of private car has many advantages.First, it is very convenient and time-saving ,you can drive your own car to the workplace instead of waiting for the crowded bus and afraid of being late for working.Second,it can also improve the traffic structure,and help to mitigate the stress of the traffic.Third, the popularization of private car can help to promote the car industry and any other interrelated industries. I believe that in the future the private car will become the most important vehicle and we cann't live without it.


2024年英语演讲稿精彩范文 篇10

The ancient said the world is a book and those who do not travel read onlyone page. I like travel, because travel not only allows me to enjoy the greatrivers and mountains of the motherland, but also brings me knowledge andexercise. Beautiful sceneries make me impressed and friendly people make mewarm. Travel is a process of discovery of beauty that would company my wholelife. I like the feeling on the road, which greatly enrich my life and fields ofvision. Being to different places, seeing different views makes me know how bigthe world is, so that I won’t bother my trifles. I think a broad mind isextremely important to a person, and traveling is a good way to get it. Maybesome people would say that I travel just because I want to relax. There’s nodoubt about that. No matter for what reason, traveling is attractive to usall.


2024年英语演讲稿精彩范文 篇11

We got the news before the English class that some foreign teachers from a middle school in New York would visit our class. We felt excited and nervous.

The bell rang and the foreign teachers came into the classroom. They spoke to us in English one by one. They spoke English clearly and slowly. A woman teacher came to my desk, with a smile on her face. "Hello! Nice to meet you! "she said friendly. I answered her. Then she asked me some simple questions. We talked With each other for a while. "Your English is very good,"she said. I thanked her and felt very happy. Then I decided to study English harder than before.

2024年英语演讲稿精彩范文 篇12

This afternoon I went to see my friend Liu Ying. She has been ill for three days and this morning she felt even worse, so her father took her to the hospital. The doctor examined her carefully and said it was nothing serious. She got a common cold,but she had better stay in bed for two or three days. After taking some medicine she felt much better.

Liu Ying looked still worried. She was afraid of missing her lessons. I told her not to worry. I could help her with her lessons.I hope she will be all right and keep up with others.

2024年英语演讲稿精彩范文 篇13

When clock is belling,my heart ripple along with it,to distant withyou,transmit my missing,to be joyful!My dear friend!

Please open the window,let the new year's wind blow your room and the snowflying in,my warming wish flutter to your heart!

Flowers are disseminationing fragrant,friendship transmissing warm,hope usto brimming in a happy year,wishes you: Happy New Year! Best wishes! Does notexperience the wind and rain, how can see the rainbow?nobody can casuallysucceed!So refuel!The same as New year!

Missing are a smell of flower fragrance,inundated the mountain valley,coveryour and me,and blessing are the boundless attention,overflow the eye,until theheart.We hugging and listening the new year'clock,just like listening the breathof annual,crowding around our same dream,making the sincerly blessing with theture love,Happy New Year!

My dear friend!wish you happy usually,have the vitality continually,stillhave happiness and content,I'm very happy to cooperate with you in the pastyear,hoped you best wishes in the new year!The breeze lightly strokes,the whiteclouds far pass,in my heart was the eternal friendship,willing my blessing isthe most freshest,and you will take it to your heart!

2024年英语演讲稿精彩范文 篇14

Teachers' Day comes on September 10th every year. On the day we usually give our teachers cards to show our thanks. I thank them for helping me when I am in trouble, and I thank them for teaching me how to be a real man.

Of course they are very friendly to everyone. They always get on very well with their students. They are not only our teachers but also our friends. They love us very much and we love them,too.

2024年英语演讲稿精彩范文 篇15

heart.Real fris can share all our sorrows and double all ourjoys.While making fris, we should take care to select those who have suchfine qualities.

hen we should treat our fris with courtesy, be careful notto interfere unreasonably with them,and not to ridicule their proceedings.Weshould forgive their failures and do our best to help them.In short, when wehave established friship, we ought to cherish and treasure it by means ofwords and deeds.Only thus, can we develop real friship and keep the sacredlamp of friship burning all our life.

2024年英语演讲稿精彩范文 篇16

with the rapid development of our societmore and more people are fond of online shopping for itconvenience. online shopping habeen a heated fashion. but different people have different viewon thipoint. after all evercoin hatwo sides.


online shopping haadvantageawell adisadvantages. firstlnowadaythe internet habecome a must. aconvenient ait ipeople depend on online shopping ait caterfor those who are buswith work or other things. and it can help usave much monewhich icheaper than what we buin the physical store. what’more it contributethe internet to the further development.


however it ialso a risk of online shopping awe pathe bill online bour credit cardwe mabe cheated bthe dishonest shoppers. sometimethe qualitof what we buonline imuch worse than we could imagine.


in mopinion when we are shopping online we should keep wise to prevent ufrom treating. and we’ll find that online shopping haadvantageover disadvantages.


2024年英语演讲稿精彩范文 篇17

It was a cloudleday. The warmth of the fall sun made the day seem as if itwould be perfect. Yes, for me perhaps, but not exactly for the technician whowas working on one of my laboratory machines. The technician definitely knewwhat he was doing and seemed exceptionally qualified except for one thing. Hewas no electrician. He had found a motor that he identified as being bad. Themotor shaft was much too difficult to turn and he had indicated that this was amajor problem. "Expect two to three days for a new one to arrive," he said.

One thing my friend didn't understand is that when power is supplied to agenerator, it becomes a motor and when mechanical power is applied to a motor,it becomes a generator. During the proceof his working on the machine hedisconnected the leads to the motor and spun the shaft turning the motor into agenerator. Disconnecting the leads in effect took the load off the motor, theleads being connected causing the motor not to turn freely. He looked ratherperplexed to see the motor shaft spin so freely. For reasons unknown to me, hespun the shaft again and grabbed the wires protruding from the motor. I don'tbelieve I have ever heard quite the string of expletives that this man let flyfrom his mouth. With his eyes widened he had to slap his hand loose from thewires as the flow of generated electricity locked the grip of his hand.

Now this being funny all by itself, it evidently wasn't funny enough forthe technician because he spun the motor and grabbed the leads again. Anotherstring of expletives that have never been heard previously by man were unleashedunto the world.

Several years ago, I had heard about a man who went fishing with an oldcrank type telephone generator. He'd drop the leads into the water and crank thegenerator causing the fish to be shocked whereby they would float to the top forhim to collect. On this warm and cloudlefall day, I'd say, the technician's fishhad all floated to the top.

2024年英语演讲稿精彩范文 篇18

good morning teachers and fellow students. today we would like to introduce a few favorite books to you.

my favorite book is (italian: cuore). this is a diary written by an italian boy enrico. the diary is about his life and study. it included various touching stories that happened around enrico, the mottos taught by his parents, as well as the wonderful ten "monthly" stories told by his teacher during the class. every word in the chapter describes the word "love". from patriotism to friendship, and to the love between parents and child -- really touching.

this novel taught me how to love, and how to learn from love. i really like this book very much. how about you? what is your favorite book?

my favorite book is . have you read it before?

2024年英语演讲稿精彩范文 篇19

there are three people in my family, my parents and me. my family is small and is very good. we live in an apartment building not far from downtown. i’m really happy in my family.

my father is a doctor. he works in the center hospital of the city. usually he is very busy because there are always many patients need help, so he always stays late at work. he doesn’t like watching tv, but he likes reading newspa-pe-r and read it every night. he also likes reading books. he has many books and many of them are medical books.

my mother is a waitress. she works in a restaurant. she has good habits. she likes eating vegetables and drinking tea every day. she comes home early and cooks dinner everyday. i like her food. she likes watching beijing opera at free time. she says it’s good for her to keep young and it can make her relaxed.

on weekends, my family always finds a way to relax. we like going to parks, seeing movies, listening to concert, and playing sports. in summer vacation, usually my parents take days off from work and we travel to other places. i always enjoy these trips.

my families are always doing what is best for me. they are always on my side whenever i need help. i love each person in my family. i love my sweet warm home.

2024年英语演讲稿精彩范文 篇20

Computers play an important role in the modern world. Today they are used in many areas of human activities, such as business, industry, science and education. I'm a primary school student. I always search for information on my PC, make PPT or type article with word software and sometimes listen to music, play games on the computer in the weekends. Sometimes I write e-mails to my friends on the computer, too. I often chat with people on-line. I usually do my homework on the computer, too, it's very easy.

I also enjoying watching cartoons on-line, because I can find my favorite cartoons easily, when I watching TV, I should wait the advertisement and watch the cartoons on time. But in computer, I can watch my favorite cartoons any time, and needn't wait for advertisements.I seldom buy things on the computer, because I don't know it. I sometimes go to the forums on the weekends, there are many people, and it's very interesting.

How about you, my friend?

2024年英语演讲稿精彩范文 篇21

My dream job will be working in one of the biggest international accountingfirm as an accountant. I want to be an accountant because I love mathematics andbusiness so much. Also, being an accountant can help me to explore my knowledgeof business and provide me a board range of network among the business world. Ineed to do a lot in order to achieve my goal. First, I have to get anundergraduate degree in accounting from college. Then I might either to gograduate school for a more advanced degree in accounting or get prepare for theCPA exam. With the CPA lisence, I have a better opportunity to get a job in theaccounting firm. Finally, with my experience in the accounting firm, I can applyaccounting position in the international accounting firm and to serve as anaccountant there!


2024年英语演讲稿精彩范文 篇22

Yesterday was Teachers' Day. It was a great dale for all the teachers and also a happy time for us students. In the morning,we went to school early and put a bunch of flowers on our class master's desk to give him a big surprise. Some of us stood at the school gate to say hello to every teacher when they entered the school.

In the afternoon,we held a party. We sang and danced with the teachers.

They said the best reward for the teachers was to see that we were making progress.

2024年英语演讲稿精彩范文 篇23

Dolphin is my favourite animal.

It is one of the most precious animals. Their bodies are very long, about one zhang. Dolphins live in the sea. They live on fish, shrimps and so on.

Dolphins are very friendly and peaceful. They never attack people. Instead, they have saved many people in danger in the past years. How helpful the dolphins are!

Dolphins are very clever. People often train them so that they can give a dolphin show which brings people a lot of happiness and joy.

Unluckily, the number of dolphins is getting smaller and smaller. Because of water pollution, there is less and less space for dolphins. Many people make money by hunting dolphins. If we don’t protect them, maybe we’ll lose our good friends one day. As a student, I hope more and more people should take actions to protect dolphins.

2024年英语演讲稿精彩范文 篇24

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen:

When I was in the primary school, I have a dream. I want to invent a device which could bring you from one place to another in no time at all. When I was in the secondary school, my dream was to study in my ideal university. And when eventually I got into the university, my dream was to graduate.

How pathetic! When we grow up, we dream less and become more realistic. Why? Why do we have to change our dreams, so, so in order to let it be

Ladies and gentlemen, the reality is not real. It is a barrier keeping us from all the possible fantasies. Flying, for example, had been a dream to mankind for thousands of years. A hundred years ago,

People say that our future is a battle between the reality and our dreams. And if, unfortunately, Mr. Reality wins this war, then I see no future of mankind at all. AIDS will never be curable as this IS the reality; People living in the undeveloped countries will suffer from starvation forever as this IS the reality; 4)Disputes among different countries would never be settled as this misunderstandings and intolerance IS the reality.

Ladies and gentlemen, how many of you have a dream of being able to make a lot of money? Please raise your hands. Oh, quite a number of you! Actually, ladies and gentlemen, this is not a dream, but a task. Every one of us has to make a living, right? Anyway I hope your task will be accomplished. How many of you think that you have already fulfilled your dream and that you don't dream anymore? Dear 5)adjudicators, what do you think? C.S. Lewis once said,

Now that I am a university student, my goal is to graduate with excellences. But at the same time, I have a dream deeply rooted in our future. One day, people living in the areas now 6)sweltering with the horror of wars will be able to sit with their families and enjoy their every moment. One day, people from the rich countries are willing to share what they have with those from the poor countries

and those from the poor countries will eventually be able to make their own happy living themselves. One day, different cultures in this age of globalization will coexist with tolerance and the unfriendly confrontations among them will be 7)eliminated. One day, the globe will share the dream with me and we will all contribute to making our dream come true. One day, our dream will defeat the reality!

Thank you very much.

2024年英语演讲稿精彩范文 篇25

Good morning/afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. My topic is: faith does make a difference to our life.

The recent earthquake in Japan has triggered a series of unexpected crises and even faith crisis among us. Are the increasing natural disasters echoing the 20xx prediction by Maya? Is our future really so vulnerable and tentative? I am trying to probe the answer.

Last November, as a volunteer of the Global Sustainable Leaders Forum, I first came across the concept of social entrepreneurship. In the inspiring speeches, I saw the determination and faith of converting ideal into practice. I couldn’t help asking myself: what should I live for?

The great thinker Russell once put in his essay: Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.

By launching donation campaigns and bearing social responsibility, Bill Gates reshaped the stereotyped faith of businessmen.

Then, how can I make a difference? A talk with my father gave me some inspiration.

My father is a superfan of traditional Chinese calligraphy. When I was a kid, I had the faintest idea why I should practise routinely this form of art. It was terribly boring. But Dad said seriously: As a Chinese, we need to pass down and promote our rich culture. It is our responsibility.

Yang Lan, a well-known TV host once said: As a media worker, I want to track down the passage of time and history by conducting interviews. For me, the responsibility outweighs the occupation itself.

Far back to Confucius, who was once obscure and humble, undertook the seemingly hopeless task of building a harmonious society. But with his strong faith, hemade a change by spreading the seeds of wisdom.

The story about three craftsmen further illustrates the power of faith. When asked about their work, one said: I'm piling up the bricks. Another replied: I'm building the wall. The third responded: I'm designing a home for people. These three replies mirrored distinct insights toward work: Task, job, and undertaking.

In my university, students majoring in National Defence choose to devote their golden years to safeguarding our mother land. They have interpreted faith with their own dynamic youth.

My friends, musicians can not simply provide us with lyrical notes, but create melody to sooth our soul; Scientists can not merely invent machines, but utilize their wisdom to reshape our lifestyle; teachers can not just impart knowledge, but usher us to become a worthy person!

So, my dear friends, life without faith is just like music without melody, and world without color. We are who we choose to be. It is faith that’ll remove our fear about future and stretch the radius of our life. Let faith light up all our young dreams.

Thank you!

2024年英语演讲稿精彩范文 篇26

home is located in southwest China,surrounded by mountains,there are two river,the Yangtze River and Jialing River,which is the largest city in China with a total population of over thirty million.We are not only rich in natural resources in Chongqing,there are many world famous attractions,such as the Dazu Rock Carvings,the Three Gorges.Parks,squares and Riverside Road is a good place for leisure citizens.Chongqing hot pot is famous.We are Chongqing,transport facilities,to Chongqing,the best tourist season in the spring,neither cold nor hot.In recent years we Chongqing,Chongqing has changed dramatically,warm,friendly,hardworking,intelligent Chongqing determined to build their home more beautiful.

2024年英语演讲稿精彩范文 篇27

Distinguished leaders, distinguished judges, dear colleagues:

Everybody is good!

The title of my speech today is -- the attitude determines everything. In front of the working face, the attitude decides everything. No important work, only do not attach importance to the work of the people. Different attitude, different achievements in life, what kind of attitude will produce what kind of behavior, which determines the different results. There is such a story: three workers build a wall. A man came and asked them: "what are you doing?" The first man looked up and said with a wry smile: "cant you see? Wall! I am carrying those heavy stones do terribly. This is really tiring...... second people looked up and said with a wry smile: "we have to build a high-rise. But this job really is not easy ah...... third people smile said happily: "we are building a new city. The building we now cover the future will become one of the iconic city! Think of to be able to participate in such a project, is really exciting."

Ten years later, the first person still in the wall; second people sit in the office drawing -- he became engineer; third people, is the former owner of two people. Visible, a persons work attitude reflected the attitude of life, and life attitude determines a persons achievements in life. Everyone is working trajectory is different, some people become the mainstay of the unit, to realize their value; some people have been unsuccessfully; some people complain, always think different, but in theendstill nothing known, except for a few genius, most of theendowment is almost the same.

So, what makes us in, we decided? I want to be "attitude"! We do anything, the key to success is not the objective factors, but in our work attitude. Objective difficulties do exist, the key is we are facing difficulties, solve problems, or to avoid difficulties, give up in the face of difficulties, this is a question of attitude. Mr. Lu Xun said: "the true warrior, dare to face the bleak life, and dare to face up to the dripping blood". As long as we take a positive attitude in the face of difficulties, not intimidated by difficulties, must be able to overcome difficulties, to become a living and working in the warrior! In real life, we often hear such complaints: "work is very tired, very few" money, "do the same job, why he earns more than me?" "Why, leading only pay attention to him, he entrusted the task?" Indeed, indeed there are instances in practice. Work with emotions, certainly not a performance. Just imagine, the left hand side stood a positive attitude, the right hand side stood a get disheartened, everything shook his head and staff, leadership will make what kind of choice? Work and life needs passion and action, need to work, need a proactive, initiative, which requires us to take a positive attitude towards work towards others treat life.

A positive attitude to take responsibility, to be able to unite, to innovation, to deal with all kinds of complex problems. The attitude decides to choose! Attitude thoughts! Attitude determines destiny! Attitude decides everything! Let us startfromnow on, with a positive attitude to the courage to go beyond the self, and constantly improve themselves, to enrich our lives! Thank you.

2024年英语演讲稿精彩范文 篇28

dear teachers and classmates:

good afternoon, i am very nice to make a speech here! this time, i'd like to talk something about english.

as everyone knows. english language is very important today. it is now used everywhere in the world.

i love english. when i was eight, my mother sent me to an english school. at there, i played games and sang english songs with other children . i also often read english following the tapes and watch english cartoons at home. by talking with english people, i have made more and more friends as well as improved my oral english. then i discovered the beauty of the language, and began my colorful dream in the english world. it makes me confident and brings me great pleasure.

i hope i can travel around the world someday and introduce china to them in english, such as the great wall, the forbidden city and so on. of course, i want to go to london , because england is where english language developed.

i know, rome was not built in a day. i believe that after continuous hard study, one day i can speak english very well.

if you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable. so i believe as i love english everyday , it will love me too.

2024年英语演讲稿精彩范文 篇29

today i will read a love letter . it's written to a boy .

there's so much i want to say to you , but i'm not sure where i should begin . may be you don't remember me , no matter . i could say all those things and all would be true ,but as i reread them , holding your hand and watching for your elusive smile .

do you know there is someone thinking of you and caring you all the time ? your smiling eyes are just like the sparking stars hanging on the curtain of my heart .

meeting you was fate , and falling in love with you was out of my control .you are everything to me , and i was so blessed when god sent you here for me .

coffee is lonely without cups , i am lonely without you . every day without you is like a book without pages . i'll think of you every step of the way .

it's you that led me out of the loneliness when i was lost in my mind . if we can only encounter each other rather than stay with each other , when i wish we had never encountered . love is the greatest refreshment in life . you make my heart smile .

i hope everyone can understand this love letter . because when love is not madness , it is not love .

finally , this love letter , i want to give present a boy , tell him , i like him .

thank you .










2024年英语演讲稿精彩范文 篇30

My fellow and my friends;

Once I read a piece of news report. It says, "A middle school student in a remote mountainous area was doing his revision at home one day. His brother, whose age excelled school age, was playing and drawing on the paper with his elder brother's pencil at his side. Suddenly the younger brother raised his head thoughtfully, his little eyes were winking, and said to his brother seriously, "When will it thirty-second, brother?" The elder brother looked at his innocent younger brother and said with a smile, "What are you going to do on that thirty-second?" "Papa promised me to send me to school," said his younger brother. His brother, the middle school student looked at his lovely brother and his heart seemed to be stitched with needles. My God! My parents were working day and night in order to be able to afford my schooling. They were exhausted. How could they afford my younger brother's schooling? Oh, thirty-second ...

My dear friends, hearing this, didn't you feel sorry for them? We share the same native land, the same blue sky under the sun. Why cannot they be given lesson at school, sitting in the bright and big classroom? We are used to saying that education goes first before vitalizing the country. But now the country's fiscal solvency and material resources are not ample enough. What should we do? It requires that we should be of one heart and exert our efforts for our motherland.




2024年英语演讲稿精彩范文 篇31

let me begin my speech with a replay of scenes familiar to most, if not all, of those present here today.

"mum, i'm sorry, but i need 3,000 yuan for my tuition this year."

"mum, it is my friend's birthday tomorrow, i must buy her a present."

"mum, this jacket was out of fashion long ago, would you do me a favor? "

take. take. take. the relationship between a mother and a child always seems to follow such a pattern. i know my mother is always there for me, providing me with everything i need; from food to clothing, from tuition to pocket money. i never thought twice about all she did until one day she said, "will there be a time that you'll say you have taken enough from me? "

like a child endlessly asking, we humans, throughout history, have been continually demanding what we desire from nature. we enjoy the comfort and beauty of our furniture, yet we never bother to think about the serious soil erosion caused by deforestation. we take it for granted that we must warm ourselves in winter times, yet we seldom realize the burning away of precious natural resources. we appreciate all the prosperity from the development of modern industry, yet few would give the slightest consideration to the global air and water pollution caused by industrial wastes. our ruthless exploitation has permanently impaired our mother earth. as we tragically learned from last summer's floods. we cannot continue our carelessness.

finally, standing here at the threshold of the 21st century, we cannot help thinking of our posterity. nature is not only the mother of the present generation, but also the mother of the generations to come. how severely our descendents will criticize us if we leave them a barren and lifeless mother? how much more they will appreciate us if we give them a world of harmony to inherit? let us start respecting and caring for nature from now on. let us start the campaign of creating a mutually beneficial relationship between people and nature right from this moment. with this new start, i firmly believe, that our children, and our children's children will live in a brand new age of green trees, clean air, crystal water, blue sky and an even more promising world!

2024年英语演讲稿精彩范文 篇32

Dear teachers, dear students:

hello everyone!

The topic of my speech is "the hardness of life"

The vast desert, a tree stand, the show is a monument to the image.

Towering mountains, thousands of tree stand up, as is a magnificent the Great Wall.

The long river, all the trees stood up into a dragon of glory.

We are a symbol of too much, and too much. But I believe that my image is not "the gentlest hands, skin, such as Diorskin" Lin Daiyu, nor is the modern "unkempt and shabby", "Su Qier". We are a symbol of hope and vitality. So we show in front of others should be inserted without pleats, face without scale, modest and polite gestures exudes a stream of heroic spirit, the image of the vigor and vitality of the modern new youth, a into the embodiment of the spirit of nature.

Someone once said, life is a kind of hardness, integrity and dignity of life is propped up the hardness of bone. "Better life" and "the Kui back in the day, and not ashamed on the ground", which is always the traditional virtue of the China. Li Bai's "the eyebrow nengcui Zheyaoshan powerful thing, so that I may not be happy Yan" this awe inspiring atmosphere of the verse and whether it will make those no self-esteem people to shame? Loss of self-esteem is a worthless person, and we as the vanguard of the times, if drown in the darkness forever, or to do a dauntless hero, a flower in the wind and rain sonorous rose. The answer is self-evident. Desert desolate also has the monument stands, Castle Peak again proud, but also have the great wall around, the river again quiet, also there is a dragon in the recumbent. But the time can be changed, our image, our glory remains the same. Because we pride, because we are confident, because we have a fresh life. And because of this, it is a vast desert riparian long, Qingshan was evergreen, the hardness of life is forever.

2024年英语演讲稿精彩范文 篇33

We know it is difficult to learn English. My English is very good. I learnEnglish like this.

I Listen to the teacher carefully and write the important points down on mynotebooks. After class I revise the lessons. Before class I prepare new lessonsto find out the questions. Then I will listen carefully in class.

I also listen to the tape, and speak English with my classmates in theclassroom and on the playground. It’s to improve my listening and speaking.

I keep a diary every day to practise my written English.

Besides this, I often read English newspapers and magazines to enrich myknowlege on English culture.

We will learn English well so long as we learn it hard.







2024年英语演讲稿精彩范文 篇34

We can’t live without water, but now many rivers are polluted. Hundreds of dead fish can be found on the surface of Haihe because of serious pollution. It is dangerous to drink such water.Besides Haihe, there are other rivers like this.

People come to know the seriousness of water pollution. Our government is taking measures to protect the rivers against pollutions. Peopie also try their best to protect rivers and keep them clean.
