

节约水的英文演讲稿 篇1

Hello, everybody! My name is __. Today, I took the podium presentation isentitled: "Save every drop of water", I believe some people do not save waterwill be inspired by listening to the future will save water.

The last drop of water will be the world's human tears. We Chinese are oneof the 12 water-poor countries, as people waste, water less and less. Therefore,we should make every effort to protect water sources. However, there are manywaste of water, for e_ample: some of the children bought water gun filled withwater shooting water everywhere; there are some students hand-washing afterwashing bowls, or not turn off the faucet, waste a lot of water; and even someperson water fight, the water splashed lightly ... .... China's per capita waterresources account for 50 a few around the world, Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, wherethe recent prolonged drought, making survival of the population there is facinga serious threat to address this problem, we in China 1.3 billion to developawareness of water conservation.

Therefore, I appeal to you here: "We must save water, rational use of waterresources.

I hope that we can take to protect water resources.

Thank you!

节约水的英文演讲稿 篇2

Dear Jim, Nice hearing from you. Let me tell you what we often do on World Water Day. On March 22nd all the teachers and students of the school take part in different activities. Lots of students put on short plays. Some plays are funny, and they show us wasting water is bad for humans. Many students take part in the speech competition. They tell us what we should do to save water. Some teachers and students make posters and put them up in the school and neihborhood. In this way, more people know the World Water Day and join us. All these activities are helpful. More and more people know the importance of water and begin to save it. Maybe you do the same.

节约水的英文演讲稿 篇3

The world is not only hungry but also thirsty. However, some people are still reluctant to turn a finger to save water. Some people don't turn a tap after use, while others even pollute clean water. The severe drought in the southwest China once again pushes the issue of water-saving under hot discussion.

However, as things stand today, the reasonable utilization of water resource is more significant than before. Firstly, the quick development of commerce and industry will consume more water for their reproduction. What's more, the great increase of the world population also further aggravates the situation. Secondly, due to the more and more serious water pollution, the supply of clean water fails to meet the demand.

As a college student, not only will I save water by myself, but also I will attend different kinds of activities on water-saving. On the one hand, I will make the best of water instead of throwing clean water away. On the other hand, I will call on my friends to save water and protect water. (180 words)

节约水的英文演讲稿 篇4

when i was young,i always dreamed that i lived in a beautiful country.there were many flowers and trees around our city.we counld hear the birdssinging and see the children dancing. the streets were clear and the the air wasvery fresh! how nice it was!but that only was a dream of mine!how i wish that itwould be come true! so i think we should do something to protect ourenvironment. everyone should make a contribution to protect the environment.

taking care of our environment is very important.wherever you live,you cando something around your neighbourhood.

have you ever thrown any litter onto the ground?have you ever drawnpictures on public walls?have you ever spat in a public place?have you ever cutdown trees?if your answers are "no",it means that you have already helpedprotect our environment.

it is our duty to keep our envionment clean and tidy. you might askyourself,"have i ever picked up some rubbish and thrown it into a dustbin?have iever collected waste paper or bottles for recycling?have i ever planted anytrees or flowers in or near my neighbourhood?"if your answers are"yes",it meansthat you have already done something useful to improve the environment.

now i want to say :let`s do our best to make our world more beautiful!

节约水的英文演讲稿 篇5

We live in the earth which is surrounded by the water, water is very important to people’s lives, no one can live without water. Electricity is also important, we can see in the night and so many things we use must work with electricity. Water and electricity are precious resources, we should save them and use them in recycle. Saving these precious resources makes a contribution to people.

节约水的英文演讲稿 篇6

Good morning,ladies and gentlemen:

This is a glass of eless ,worthless,right?Yes,nobody of us willtake care of it ,nobody of us will lament for pouring it if i say,thisglass of water in front of you is the last one in the d you like toalter of it with one thousand dollars,One million dollars,or all yourwealth?Now,a simple thing becomes a difficult decision. In our life,we wash ourteeth while keeping the water running from the tap everyday summer,wetake bath at least three times a winter,as hot water in bottles becomingcold,we pour it on the ground without take all these for grantedbut that all changed for a simple thing happened to me. Last summer holiday,myfriend Shirley invited me to visit her grandmother who lives in a remotemountain front of her house,there laid a small garden in which variousflowers and grass were growing air was filled with the randmother was ready to take out some water from the told us that thevillagers had to get water from the well because of lack of water and they hadto reuse r washing clothes,they took water to wash the rdrinking the tea,they took the left to irrigate surprised me mostwas that the beautiful flowers in the garden were all cultivated by those lefttea.

节约水的英文演讲稿 篇7

Good morning,ladies and gentlemen:

This is a glass of water.Tasteless ,worthless,right?Yes,nobody of us willtake care of it ,nobody of us will lament for pouring it .But if i say,thisglass of water in front of you is the last one in the world.Would you like toalter of it with one thousand dollars,One million dollars,or all yourwealth?Now,a simple thing becomes a difficult decision. In our life,we wash ourteeth while keeping the water running from the tap everyday morning.In summer,wetake bath at least three times a day.In winter,as hot water in bottles becomingcold,we pour it on the ground without hesitation.We take all these for grantedbut that all changed for a simple thing happened to me. Last summer holiday,myfriend Shirley invited me to visit her grandmother who lives in a remotemountain area.In front of her house,there laid a small garden in which variousflowers and grass were growing up.The air was filled with the aromatics.Hergrandmother was ready to take out some water from the well.She told us that thevillagers had to get water from the well because of lack of water and they hadto reuse water.After washing clothes,they took water to wash the floors.Afterdrinking the tea,they took the left to irrigate flowers.What surprised me mostwas that the beautiful flowers in the garden were all cultivated by those lefttea.

节约水的英文演讲稿 篇8

we think, in which after what has changed?

so long, i see every night 9: 00, 10: 00, in our building will be theproperty of staff to inspect each floor, power off.

to this year july 10th, our office at 7 : 30 after lighting will beautomatically closed. see the satisfactory change, i gave a high total wrote anemail, attached 2 photos, one is at 11 : 00 then we motorola mansion; it showsour lighting power supply have been almost completely closed, with the lastpicture really is my not. another photo of our neighbors, a canadian company'smansion; displayed above their lighting like we were building a year ago thatway, as clear as daylight ... ...

high total gave me the reply that the name is corporatesocialresponsibilitycsr, corporate social responsibility, not just the company, as well as eachemployee 's responsibility. only we work together, we will continue to upholdthe company of equality, open, inclusive, innovative spirit, innovation inscience and technology continue to forge ahead on the road; our society will bemore harmonious.

so what i am going to do, is to nortel ceo write, tell them to theattention of section pass reduction. in the hope that this time ne_t year, inthis place, to report my progress.

thank you!
