

《海上钢琴师》英文观后感 篇1

Take a piano. The keys begin, the keys end. You know there are eightyeight of them, nobody can tell you any different. They are not infinite. You are infinite. And on these keys the music that you can make is infinite. I like that. That I can live by.

What I didnt see. In all that sprawling city there was everything except an end. There was no end. What I did not see was where the whole thing came to an end. The end of the world.。.

You get me up on that gangway and youre rolling out in front of me a keyboard of millions of keys, millions and billions of keys that never end.That they never end. That keyboard is infinite. And if that keyboard is infinite, then on that keyboard there is no music you can play. Youre sitting on the wrong bench. Thats Gods piano.

海上钢琴师观后感英文 篇2

The movie "The Pianist at Sea" tells the story of an abandoned baby named 1900 who grew up on the ship "Virginia". His talent and expertise in piano impressed me greatly. However, as a talented individual, he ultimately did not leave the ship and chose to perish with it. This seems to be a tragedy that ordinary people cannot understand, and I think it is closely related to his identity as an abandoned baby. The abandonment of parents and the separation from their mother are the greatest traumas for a child, and the piano becomes his transitional object, acting as an agent for the maternal object. We see that he will spend his entire life with the piano.

1900 was born without seeing his mother and without love. He suffered two times of abandonment, the first time when his parents abandoned him from birth. Later, although Danny raised him, Danny also died at the age of 8, suffering such trauma as a minor. Although Danny loved him very much, the message he had always conveyed to him was how terrifying the world outside the ship was, urging 1900 not to leave the ship. 1900 never dared to leave the ship because he lacked sufficient security. At Dannys funeral, he heard music, and from then on, music became the object he could attach to. 1900 became a piano master without a teacher, and playing the piano was the only thing he could do in his life. However, the object he could attach to twice left him, and he couldnt believe there was any sense of security in the world or feel that kind of love. 1900 stayed on the ship, where his meaning of life lay. He had a close relationship with the ship, and the ship was the object that proved his existence. If he got off the ship and the ship was destroyed, all the objects related to him would disappear, and he would not feel the value of his existence.

A person who achieves "self-identity" has a clear understanding of themselves and knows that they are the person I perceive. But 1900 was not actually born because a persons birth includes physiology, psychology, and society. 1900 was born and matured both physically and psychologically. But at the societal level, he was never born. He had never stepped into a real society and dared not step off the ship. People are social, and he had never stepped into a real society, nor could he play his social role. Therefore, he dared not step down halfway up the ladder. He felt afraid, he was not a real person, and he had never been born.

At the beginning of the film, there is a narration that goes, "He has no nationality, no birth paper, and even no birthday, so it can be said that he has not yet been born." From a psychological perspective, 1900 is indeed still in an unborn baby state. Staying in his mothers womb definitely feels the safest and most comfortable, and he doesnt feel anything wrong either. After the girl left, his motivation to change his life was completely activated and he decided to get off the boat. Perhaps it may not seem like much to an ordinary person, but for 1900, getting off the ship was a process of rebirth. 1900 had to rely on his own strength to complete it. He walked down the gangway, but slowly stopped, and the whole world became dark in his eyes, filled with fear. In the end, he chose to perish with the ship, which was a coincidence, but it was also a fate.

海上钢琴师观后感英文 篇3

I revisited "The Pianist at Sea" for the third time. No matter how many times I watch it, it is undoubtedly a classic in my mind.

In all the stories I have read and seen, there has been no one like 1900 who has filled me with an urgent impulse to understand, understand, and perceive him.

He swiped his fingers over the music flowing from the keyboard, deep and moving, just like the emotional expression he had never expressed before. His lazy and elegant figure, a pure angelic face like a child, and clear and pure blue eyes... When such a voice penetrates his ears, such a picture imprints in his eyes, always forbidden

Unable to contain the excitement in my heart, it rained heavily. Its not sadness, its deep affection. It is a fortunate and honored encounter.

1900 was abandoned in the first-class cabin of the Virginia cruise ship when a black coal miner discovered him on a piano.

Because it was the first day of the new century, his foster father Danny named him 1900. Due to the lack of relevant birth certificates, Danny was worried that he would be taken away, so 1900 never left the cabin. He grew up in a cradle as big as this ship, unaware that there were other worlds at the end of the sea. Just like he simply thought "Mom" was a horse, a fast running horse, a good horse. Nevertheless, with the love and care of his adoptive father Danny, the world of 1900 was warm.

At the age of 1900 and eight, his only adoptive father who could provide him with protection passed away unexpectedly. In his confusion, he experienced life and death at a young age.

At Dannys funeral, the bewildered 1900 heard a heart stirring sound faintly coming from a distance. An Asian woman beside him told him that it was music. It is destined that he will have a deep and inexplicable bond with music in this lifetime.

海上钢琴师英文观后感 篇4

All that city.You just couldn't see the end to it.The end?Please?You please just show me where it ends?It was all very fine on that gangway.And Iwas grand too,in my overcoat.I cut quite afigure.And Iwas getting off.Guaranteed.There was no problem.It wasn't what Isaw that stopped me,Max.It was what Ididn't see.You understand that?What Ididn't see.In all that sprawling city there was everything except an end.There was no end.What Idid not see was where the whole thing came to an end.The end of the world.

Take apiano.The keys begin,the keys end.You know there are eighty-eight of them,nobody can tell you any different.They are not infinite.You are infinite.And on these keys the music that you can make is infinite.I like that.That Ican live by.

You get me up on that gangway and you're rolling out in front of me akeyboard of millions of keys,millions and billions of keys that never end,and that's the truth,Max.That they never end.That keyboard is infinite.And if that keyboard is infinite,then on that keyboard there is no music you can play.You're sitting on the wrong bench.That's God's piano.

Christ!Did,did you see the streets?Just the streets…There were thousands of them!And how do you do it down there?How do you choose just one?One woman,one house,one piece of land to call your own,one landscape to look at,one way to die.

All that world is weighing down on me,you don't even know where it comes to an end,and aren't you ever just scared of breaking apart at the thought of it?The enormity of living it?

I was born on this ship,and the world passed me by,but two thousand people at atime.And there were wishes here,but never more than fit between prow and stern.You played out your happiness,but on apiano that was not infinite.I learned to live that way.

Land?Land is aship too big for me.It's awoman too beautiful;it's avoyage too long,a perfume too strong.It's amusic Idon't know how to make.I could never get off this ship.At best,I can step off my life.After all,I don't exist for anyone.You're an exception,Max,you're the only one who knows I'm here.You're aminority,and you better get used to it.Forgive me,my friend,but I'm not getting off.

This is the way the world ends Not with abang but awhimper

海上钢琴师观后感英文 篇5

The story about a man named 1900 who born in the ship, grew up in the ship, died in the boat, he was just born for the piano. His life is short, but it is also pathos

1900 for this ship love; the ship also gave him all of life value and emotion. To 1900, an orphan, his whole world is this ship; here is his home, all of his happiness, sorrow and dream. So he has the deepest emotional for this ship, beyond all the people. So even the last moment, he still wont choose to leave. In the last paragraph, there is a monologue of the hero; he said “all that city. You just couldnt see the end of it. the piano keyboard is limited, he can use the limited keyboard playing the infinite music, and he can manage this "limited", But this world, No beginning, no end, intricate streets, many tall buildings, there are too many options, he can’t control his life, his emotion, his music. He can only choose what he can choose. If he cannot control his lifestyle, hed rather not to choose! His heart is lonely; music is just like his language. He said his music and his people wont separate, so he refused to publish his music. Maybe some people think it’s a tragedy. I don’t think so, because we can’t imagine this genius leave the ship and begin his ordinary life, become tasteless and go after fame and money. We cant bear to see here. In real life, we may puzzled wi一h others’ choices, But I want to say, no matter who make a choice which is absurd, this is his own choice. He must have his own reasons, you are not him or her, and you didn’t experience what he had experienced, so you don’t understand his thoughts. It’s not the time to declare our incomprehension, we just need to hold his hands and say “good luck” to him or her with smile.

海上钢琴师观后感英文 篇6

The deep sea is like a never-ending chess game, full of intricacies and uncertainties, giving birth to the lives of all living beings on Earth, as well as a child of the sea playing for the sea as a pianist. The movie "The Pianist at Sea" tells the story of an ordinary yet legendary life on the sea.

The director of the movie is Toni Torre from Italy, whose three step compositions, as well as "Cinema Paradise" and "The Beautiful Legend of Sicily," are considered classics.

The story of "The Pianist at Sea" takes place on a ship traveling between the United States and other continents, and the male protagonists life is spent on this ship. More precisely, on this serene and turbulent sea, from birth to the end of life.

The story is told by a trumpet player nicknamed "Kang Pai". "Kang Pai" is the brand of his beloved small account. Due to poverty and poverty, he had to endure the pain of selling his dependent small account. However, in this store that purchased various instruments, he found a friends item - a record of piano music. This record, which was once crushed by the creator and restored by the shop owner, emits beautiful piano music. This unnamed piano piece and the story of the unnamed creator begin to tell us.

On a ship, a boatman found a box in the empty first-class cabin that was supposed to hold lemons. To his surprise, it contained a newborn baby. He unexpectedly became a father and gave the child an unusual name of 1900. This is our protagonist. Due to 1900 being born at sea and adopted by this black boatman, in order to retain his child, he had to hide him in a place that others could not find during each inspection on the ship. Although he exists in this world, there is no record of his existence. Such days do not affect him in any way. However, when 1900 was still a child, this kind-hearted father lost his life due to an accident. 1900 really made a living by the sea. Perhaps destined, the beautiful music of the piano caught the attention of this ordinary child, but it also tells us his talent for the piano. At the age of less than ten, he was able to inexplicably play admirable piano pieces.

The first encounter between 1900 and "Kang Pai" was also related to the piano. At that time, Kang had just started working on the ship and was not yet accustomed to sea life. He walked on the ship with difficulty on a roaring sea night. 900, who had lived on the sea since childhood, was flat. The two met in the lobby of first-class cabin. 1900 habitually sat in front of the piano and asked Kang to unbutton the piano buckle. Kang understood the consequences of unbuttoning the buckle, but in fact, he followed the requirements of 19900. The following scene is my favorite. The piano and he, sitting in a chair, moved back and forth with the shaking ship in a relatively static state, and it was so natural. He also invited Kang Yiqi to board his "boat" together. At first, Ang, who was panicked, gradually sat with peace of mind. 1900 played melodious music as if dancing on the sea, and the music was so contextualized. He was not only born for the sea, but also for the piano. I believe only those who have seen it with their own eyes can feel the profoundness of his dance with the sea.

1900 is also a wonderful pianist. He is able to observe everyone with his heart and express peoples inner world on the piano. The sound of the qin seems to narrate peoples joys, sorrows, and joys, as if it is conveying peoples actions. Whenever he plays the song of his own soul for different people, I am inexplicably moved in my heart. This kind of personal emotional impact is something that others cannot experience. Every performance in 1900 would play the music freely, although it made the band leader helpless, it could make everyone dance to the fullest in the music, as if they were all skilled dancers.

His duel with another well-known pianist was also a famous scene, which made him a well-known figure. Perhaps all of the above can only show us the talent of a pianist, but the following has made me reflect on his life and my own life.

1900 stands out among ordinary people and is also the most inconspicuous one in the vast sea of people. He has an anomaly, which is that he has never stepped off this ship from birth to death, and has never set foot on the continent of humanity. Once in the past, he almost stepped onto solid ground, but stopped on the ladder connecting the ship and the land, threw away his hat, and walked back without the urge to disembark. Why is he unwilling to explore a wider space and enrich his life? I also believe that ships have imprisoned his life. He is brave in dealing with the piano and the sea, but fearful in dealing with the unknown. The outside world is so vast that he is able to share his piano talent with more people and expand his brilliant life. However, he was only willing to stay on the ship and at sea. Even though the ship thought it was old and needed to be bombed later, he still preferred to coexist with the ship and refused to disembark. And I can only try to understand this persons life. Everyones life is completely different, with many choices. Perhaps the inconspicuous stones in your eyes are dazzling diamonds in the eyes of others. 1900 can only play one stunning piece after another at sea. His life is the ocean, how can you let him leave his own life? Undoubtedly, life is a constantly advancing wheel, and we must roll forward on the path that can move forward, choosing a life that suits ourselves. A teacher said that one type of person only belongs to one type of person. Perhaps one type of life only belongs to one type of people.

Some people love to listen to rock, and there are seasons when it rains; Some people dont like to talk, while others dont like a plain life. The password of life always needs to be answered by oneself, and endowing ones own life with the same vitality should be joyful. Emotions and feelings not only require self experience, but also come and go silently. Cherishing is the best answer.

The sea remains vivid for ten thousand years and one hundred million years

海上钢琴师观后感英文 篇7

The city shrouded in gray smoke, tall and cold buildings, and the roaring of machinery tell the story of the polite era of industry. The huge passenger ship Virginia carried batches of profit seeking passersby back and forth between the Atlantic, and no one would stop for anyone. There is only one person who floats on this ship all his life, using a piano to express his own story on the sea of life.

He was a baby abandoned on the USS Virginia from a young age, a piano prodigy in an era where countless people were dreaming of the American Dream. His name is 1900- in memory of his birth in this year. He spent his entire life drifting on the sea, never setting foot on land, until he sank to the sea together with the USS Virginia. His superb piano skills play the stories of every passerby hidden on this ship, the jumping notes, as if they each have their own ups and downs in life experiences and complex and contradictory thoughts. Afterwards, he met the only confidant of his life - Max, who played the trumpet. Max was unable to accompany 1900 forever on that big ship. He was a person on land and eventually had to return to the mortal world to be busy. Spending the New Years Eve in the boundless sea was 1900s lifelong destiny.

Until one day, on the blue sea, a fresh sea breeze blew up the light golden long hair of the girl on the deck. The girl stood in the wind, and he saw her through the glass window. Their eyes met, and soft music slid through his fingertips. This is the song he wrote for her when he saw her, telling the story of his encounter with her - it was a fateful encounter, a careless arrangement by God.

He made a bold decision to search for the girl who passed by him on land. He was wearing a new coat given to him by Max, wearing a black top hat, and slowly walking down the gangway step by step.

However - he stopped - he stopped in the center of the gangway. At this moment, it seemed like he was the only lonely figure in the vast world. He gazed at the unfamiliar world before him in confusion - the city shrouded in mist, with stray birds hovering among tall buildings, crisscrossing streets that stretched endlessly, unable to see the edge of the city from afar... He was helpless like a child, unable to take the next step. He was engaged in a complex struggle in his mind, lost and at a loss. In the end, he took off the politeness from his head and threw it vigorously - he seemed to be playing a game of fate - his hat landed steadily on the sea - he ultimately wanted to stay at sea. Born in the sea, died in the sea.

For 1900, the time of life was like the song played for a girl, soothing, gentle, and profound. In that era of intoxication and materialism, only he found his own paradise, playing the swan song of life with 88 keys. He is an elegant and lonely man, who perceives life in the sea and sees the bustling and desolate pianist of the world - although he has never set foot on land, he keenly perceives the taste of life through his own music. I used to stubbornly believe that it was the ship that was too distant for time that imprisoned his thoughts. He never wanted to set foot on land because he was afraid, lost his direction, and couldnt see his own future. Afterwards, I finally understood that it was not his cowardice, but his high consciousness.

As he was about to disappear forever with the ship in the sea, he told Max: The keys have a beginning and an end, not infinite, but music is infinite. The music you can express on the keys is infinite, I like it, I can easily handle it. And now you are making me walk into the city, waiting for me with an endless keyboard. How can I play on such a keyboard? Its Gods keyboard

In response to the indescribable stubbornness of 1900, Max braved tears and walked off the wreckage that was about to explode.

Hi! Max! 1900 bid him farewell with a playful tone. At that moment, I could hardly hold back my tears - life and death are vast and boundless. I saw the final 1900 slowly lifting his hand and playing in the void of the air, as if the song written for feeding the girl was once again gurgling past his fingertips. He looked up at the top - at this moment, a dilapidated ship on the sea emitted an explosive roar

On the shattered record, the girls tune was played hoarsely; In the antique shop, Max is about to sell the trumpet he once played with, and he tells the owner of this story; In heaven, 1900, may he become Gods musician, forever dancing on 88 keys.

海上钢琴师观后感英文 篇8

The sea pianist was recommended to me by a netizen in the United States a year ago. At that time, I asked all the audio and video stores in Jilin City, but none of them had one. A few days ago, I accidentally discovered the CD of this movie and couldnt wait to buy it back. Actually, I rarely watch foreign blockbusters, so I have no way to compare them. This movie doesnt have the grand and beautiful scenes of Ambush, nor the grand love story, nor the relaxed and humorous atmosphere of No Thieves, but that doesnt mean its useless... It can be said that this is a profound tragedy, even the love that happens here is so brief and desolate.

The protagonist of this movie is named 1900 because he was found by a crew member on a ship in 1900. He has no father or mother, no name or surname, and there is no evidence to prove his existence in this world. The story plot is told by a friend of 1900 through recollection. 1900 never left that ship from childhood to adulthood, from birth to death. He had a high musical talent since childhood, self-taught and able to use music to describe anything he saw.

In everyones eyes, if he left that ship, he would immediately embrace everything that people envy because he is a musical genius. He had made up his mind to walk off the ship in search of the girl who had captivated him, but when he was halfway up the ship ladder, he returned.

The dialogue between 1900 and his friends about why he gave up on getting off the ship is a classic. The general meaning is as follows: "This ship is not only carrying people, it also carries dreams. I can play infinite beautiful movements on limited keys and enjoy myself. If I leave this ship, it is like facing an infinite keyboard. Faced with too many choices, I will be at a loss. I will think it over and one day I will collapse mentally. That world is too big, not for mortals, but for God. Anyway, no one in the world remembers me, and I will never get off the ship. In the end, the ship was scrapped and about to be blown up. He was not convinced by his friends to leave the ship, but instead chose to be 6 and a half tons." The explosive shattered.

The following is my understanding of this movie, which may not be correct. In fact, in everyones field of life, there is a distinction between boats and land. The city and circle you live in are like boats; The city you are not in and the circle that does not belong to your own lifestyle are like land. But people rarely have the idea of 1900. They always think that the boat they live on is too small to showcase their talents and to have everything they want; If you get off the ship and step onto land, you will have great ambitions and great achievements. So too many people will get lost on endless land, searching and pursuing for their entire lives, until they lie in bed waiting for death and still feel unwilling, wishing to borrow another 500 years from the heavens to live. This kind of life naturally lacks satisfaction, so there is no happiness at all.

Most people have the idea of leaving their small cities to work and live in big cities, which is understandable, after all, people are moving towards higher places. But dont just go for the sake of the big city. For example, when you are flying over a city on a plane, from a high altitude, there are bright lights everywhere below, so you head straight for it without hesitation. But when you truly enter this city, what is in front of you are just rows of street lights and the lights emanating from windows, lifeless, emotionless, and unrelated to your passionate imagination.

People who aspire to big cities will find thousands of bad reasons for the city they currently live in, such as poor environment and outdated concepts. However, what is comical is that when people arrive in big cities, they will look for jobs, buy houses, walk only a few streets that they often walk, and have a few close friends. In fact, they are living in a small city surrounded by big cities, and whats even more ridiculous is that they will watch the same TV channel and drama every night with people who mock the outdated concepts in small cities.

I hope people can see and not see, and can pop up infinite movements on a limited keyboard, which may be the greatest success.

海上钢琴师观后感英文 篇9

The male protagonist 1900 of "The Pianist at Sea" has never left the sea from birth to leaving this world. He is simply a genius, and no one knows who his superb skills lead to. His music is so pure that it does not need to be proven by the world outside the sea. He has never set foot on land, and his eyes and thoughts seem to have traveled the whole world. He knows all the customs and traditions of the land world like the palm of his hand, which is simply a magical thing!

His hands were destined to leave a mark in the history of world music, even if he never had a recognized name, official data did not even register his existence. And he did not defend or prove anything for this injustice. There was no need for a so-called tour to make himself purple and red, and to perform for the passengers who had the privilege of riding this ship. The effect was enough to demonstrate his remarkable achievements, and he did not really care about these elusive things. On the sea, he never stings with his songs. In the equally unstable sea amidst war, he uses his songs to comfort those who have been traumatized and accompany them on their final journey.

Talented but without a historical record, as if never appearing in this world. Is it sad? Is it a pity? I think the outcome is not important anymore! What matters is never the opinions and outcomes of others, but rather the matter itself, and the choice of the parties involved is the most important. Perhaps he doesnt belong here, he just returned to the place he should have gone in a different way, where there was also the sea, piano, close friends, and cheering audience.

Think about a little inspiration for someone who lives on land: focus on yourself, focus on doing things, and dont let desires and the noise of this world disturb your true heart! No one doesnt want purity, but its difficult to maintain purity consistently.

海上钢琴师观后感英文 篇10

The protagonist of the movie "The Sea Pianist" is Raymond, who was adopted by a coal worker. After the coal worker died, he began playing the piano. He often plays the piano for passengers on the ship, and they are all intoxicated by the sound of his piano. Later, he became a pianist on a passenger ship and made a friend called a trumpet player. The two of them were very close, and the trumpeter admired his talent and felt puzzled that he never got off the ship. Although he has never disembarked, he has already gained widespread fame. But why didnt he get off the ship? He told his friend, "I can create nothing in a limited piano."

The melody is limited, but I cannot find my own space in the infinite city and endless streets One day, his friend was about to leave, and this passenger ship was also about to be destroyed. But he still didnt want to get off the ship, and only said one last sentence: "People on land like to search for answers, waste time, worry about the late arrival of summer in winter, and worry about the approaching winter in summer, so they go everywhere."

I dont envy pursuing a place that is as distant as summer all year round After reading it, I feel regretful for his stubbornness, but I also admire his persistence in music.
