



1.在....上面________ 2.在....前面________ 3.在....后面________ 4.在....旁边________ 5.between________ 6.时钟________ 7.plant________ 8.photo________ 9.bottle________


( )1.There ________ a desk in the picture.

A.in   B.are   C.is

( )2.There ________ many books in my bag.

A.are   B.is   C.of

( )3.Betty is in front ________the window.

A.eleven   B.seven   C.of

( )4.How many days are there in a week(周)?There are________.

A.eleven   B.seven   C.six

( )5.There are three green________in the classroom.

A.bag   C.boy   D.balls

( )6.I have a new bed . It’s ________?

A. dirty   B.big   C.short

( )7.There are________of flowers in it

A.a   B.lot   C. lots

( )8.-- ________are the picture? --- They’re on the wall.

A.What   B.Which   C.Where

( )9.There ________some orange juice in the glass(杯子)。

A.is   B.are   C.isn’t

( )10.There is ________phone near the bed.

A.some   B.a   C.an


( ) 1. A. strong B. above C. Beside

( ) 2. A. many B. big C. between

( ) 3. A. bottle B. clock C. cool

( ) 4. A. there B. is C. are

( ) 5. A. this B. where C. That

( )6.A.desk B.chair C.banana

( )7. A.book B.photo C.schoolbag

( )8.A.bike B.car C.clock

( )9. A.computer B.football C.ping-pong

( )10. A.dog B.cat C.bed



A. What’s in the classroom? B. What’s your room like? C. Where is your room?   2. 如果你想说―多么漂亮的照片啊!,该怎么说:______

A. We’re late for school. B. Please hurry! C. What a nice photo!

3. 如果你想说―到处都是图片和照片。应该怎么说:_____

A. You look cool! B. There are pictures and photos everywhere. C. The rooms are dirty.

4. 如果你想说 ―它们是我奶奶的植物时,应该怎么说_____

A. They’re my grandparents’ plants. B. They’re my grandmother plants. C. They’re my   grandmother’s plants.

5. 如果你想说 ―房子前面有一棵树时,应该怎么说_____

A. There is a tree behind the house. B. There is a tree in front of the house. C. There is a tree front of the house.

6.我的房间里有张大床。 _____

A.There is a big bed in my room. B.There is a big clock in my room. C.There is a big bag in my   bedroom

7.我的电脑在桌上 _____

A.My computer is in the desk. B.My computer is on the desk. C.My computer is near the desk.

8.你告诉别人―这是我的房间‖时,应说: _____

A.This is my classroom. B .This is my room. C.Is this your room?   9.你告诉别人―我的房间里有一张照片‖时,应说: _____

A.There is a photo in my room. B.Is there a plant? C.There is a plate in my room?


( )1. Is this your bedroom?A. I can see a bed.

( )2. Where’s your schoolbag?B. Yes, it’s under the table.

( )3. Is it under the table?C. It’s on the desk.

( )4. What’s on the desk ?D. There is a water bottle, a book and a photo.

( )5. What can you see in my room?E. No, it isn’t.



do song draw dance wonderful

1.Can you ________ any kung fu?

2.That is a ________ party. We all have a good time.

3.Let’s sing the birthday________ for Sarah together.

4.–What can you do? -- I can ________.

5. Can you ________pictures for me?


( )1.Can you play ________?

A. piano B. the piano C. the ping-pong

( )2.I________play the pipa but I can dance.

A. can B. don’t C. can’t

( )3.–Can you swim? -- Yes, I ________.

A. can B. do C. can’t

( )4.I can do ________ kung fu.

A. any B. some C. a

( )5.–Are you helpful at home? -- ________

A. Yes, you are. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, you not.


1.do, What, you, can, the, for, party, (?)


2. sing, can, She, English, songs, (。)


3. is, Chinese, What, like, teacher, your, (?)


4.some, do, I, kung, can, fu, (。)



1.唱英文歌曲 ______ English ________

2.弹琵琶 __________ the _______

3.练武术do ___________ ________

4.画漫画__________ ___________

5.打篮球___________ basketball_________

6.说英语_____________ English________


sing play do go party

1.英语聚会 English _________

2.唱英语歌曲 ________ English songs

3.弹钢琴________the piano

4.做家庭作业 ________ homework.

5.上学 ________ to school


1.What can you ________(do)?

2.I can do many things at home, so I’m very________(help)。

3.I can ________(clean) the classroom.

4.My sister can sing ________(song)。


( )1.What ________the monkey do?

A. are B. can C. do D. cans

( )2.I can ________the clothes.

A. put B. away C. put away D. \

( )3.-----Are you helpful at home?-----________.

A. Yes, you can. B. Sure. C. Yes, you not D. No, you not.

( )4.Can you play the pipa?________.

A. No, I can. B. Yes, I can’t. C. No, I cant D. No, I can’t.

( )5. Is she in the kitchen?________.

A. Yes, they are B. Yes, she is C. Yes, she can D. No, she is.

( )6. I can ________a computer well.

A. uses B. use C. to use D. using

( )7. Who ________they?

A. be B. am C. is D. are

( )8. What can you________?

A. do B. to C. are D. /

( )9. Can you do the ________?

A. dish B. dishes C. a dish D. dishing

( )10. ------________can make clothes?--My mother can.

A. Who B. What C. Where D. Whose

( )11. —Can you sing English songs? — ________

A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I can. C. Yes, I do.

( ) 12. Can you play basketball? — ________

A. No, I don’t. B. No, I’m not. C. No, I can’t.

( )13.—What can you do at home? I can ________.

A. cook B. cooking C. cooks

( )14. —Can Zhang Peng speak English? —________

A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, he can. C. Yes, she can.

( )15. —What can Amy do? —________.

A.I can play the piano. B.He can play the erhu. C.She can play ping-pong.

( )16. We’ll have ________English party next Tuesday!

A. a B. an C. the

( )17. What ________you do for the party?

A. do B. are C. can

( )18.— ________you swim? —No, I can’t.

A. can B. Can C. Do

( )19.My brother can play ________football.

A. \ B. the C. a

( )20.—Can you do ________ kung fu? —Yes, I can.

A. the B. some C. Any


( ) 1. What can you do?A. She can water the flowers.

( ) 2. What can Sarah do?B. Fish.

( ) 3. Can you draw cartoons?C. No, I can’t.

( ) 4. Can you wash the clothes?D. Yes, I can.

( ) 5. What’s your favourite food?E. I can wash the clothes.


( )1.当你想问对方会做什么时,应说

A.What can you do ? B.What can you do for the party? C.What can he do for the party?

( )2.当你告诉对方你会唱中文歌时,你会说

A.I can sing songs. B.I can sing English songs. C.I can sing Chinese songs.

( )3.你想问别人会不会武术时,应说

A.What can he do? B.Can he do any kung fu? C.Can you do any kung fu?

( )4.你告诉别人你会游泳是,应说

A. I can swim. B.I can sing. C. I can cook.


( )1.A.sing B.play C.song

( )2.A.listen B.helpful C.dance

( )3.A.can B.who C.what

( )4.A.draw B.great C.wonderful

( )5.A.Cartoon B.Chinese C.English



( )1. A. tall B. strong C. delicious

( )2. A. Monday B. chicken C. Friday

( )3. A. maths B. sandwich C. music

( )4. A. sweet B. hot C. onion

( )5. A. salad B. fruit C. hamburger


A.apple B. onion C. beef D. banana E. pear F. chicken G. tomato H. carrot I. peach J. fish





( )1. What’s your favourite ________? ——Salad.

A. food B. fruit C. colour

( )2. I love ice cream. It’s ________.

A. sweet B. hot C. fresh

( )3. What would you like to eat?

A.I like some fish and noodles.   B.I have some fish and noodles  C.I’d like some fish and noodles.

( )4.Here you are. ——________

A. No. B. Thanks. C. Great.   ( )5.What’s you favourite fruit?

A. apple B. tea C. hamburger

( )6. I’m ________. Let’s go to the restaurant to eat something.

A. angry B. hungry C. thirsty

( )7. The food is________sweet. It’s not healthy.

A. to B. two C. too

( )8. Carrots and onions are ________.

A. meat B. vegetables C. fruits

( )9. I’d like rice and vegetables ________lunch today.

A. for B. at C. on

( )10. I like carrot juice. ________fresh and healthy.

A. It’s B. It C. They’re

( )11. 当你问别人“你想吃什么”时,你说:________

A.What would you like to eat? B.What would you like to drink? C.What do you like?

( )12.当你告诉别人“今天午饭我吃洋葱和牛肉”时,你说:________

A.I have potatoes and mutton for lunch today. B.I have onion and beef for lunch today. C.I have green beans and pork for lunch today.

( )13.当你告诉别人“我想吃鱼肉和三明治”时,你说:________

A.I have fish sandwich. B.I’d like fish sandwich. C.I like fish sandwich.

( )14. 当你对别人说“这种食物很美味”时,你说:________

A. It’s fresh. B. It’s delicious. C. It’s healthy.

( )15. 当你对别人说:“我最喜欢的食物是鸡肉”时,你说:________

A.I ‘d like chicken. B.I have some chicken. C.My favorite food is chicken.



( )1. What’s your favourite food?A. Me too.

( )2. I like banana.B. Beef.

( )3. What’s your favourite fruit?C. Pears.   ( )4.What would you like to drink?D. I’d like some milk.


( )1. What do you have for breakfast today?A. My favorite food is fish.

( )2. What would you like for lunch?B. No, we have cabbage and mutton.

( )3. What’s your favorite food?C. I have pork and cabbage for breakfast.

( )4. Do you have any noodles?D. I’d like some fish and noodles.


on healthy eat delicious favourite hot

1. We have noodles________ Thursdays.

2. I don’t like pepper(辣椒)。 It’s too________.

3. I love vegetables and fruit. They’re ________.

4. What’s your________food?

5. ——What would you like to ________? ——Bread and hot dag.

6. The chicken is ________.

