



You’re  the one, It was you all the time.


I  love everything about you, except the fact that you're not with me.


I  wish that you were here or I were there or me and you we anywhere  together..

多么希望我们此刻能够紧紧相依。  I know it's too much to ask for you to think of me as much as I think of you but  I just hope that someday, somehow, you think of me too.


My  heart won't let you go, and I need you to know, I miss you.


When  I miss you, I don't have to go far...I just have to look inside my heart because  that's where I'll find you.

其实,我的心里一直都有你。  I'm waiting and hoping, and wishing for the time when we can be together  again... I miss you so much.


Even  though we are far apart you will always be in my little heart.


I  wish I could be with you wherever you are and wherever you go everyday. Just so  I wouldn't have to miss you so.


I  wish you could understand the way I feel about you.

愿你能懂得我爱你。  Falling in love is only half of what I want. Staying in love with you till  forever is the other.


It's  so hard to let you go, even after all that you put me through.


The  way I feel about you, I've never felt with anyone else.

除了你,今生再也爱不上别人。  It's not being in love that makes me happy. It's being in love with you that  makes me happy.


Missing  you could turn from pain to pleasure, if I knew you were missing me  too.


It  is never too late to fall in love.


I  could only be with you in my dreams ,baby, well i would want to sleep  forever.


May  your love soar on the wings of a dove in flight.

愿你的爱展翅高飞。  No words are necessary between two loving hearts.


To  the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the  world.


Don‘t  cry because it is over, smile because it happened.

别因结束而哭,为你的曾经所拥有的微笑吧。  Don‘t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn‘t willing to waste their time on  you.


I  dropped a tear in the ocean, and when i find it thats the day i will stop loving  you.

我落下一颗眼泪掉进了大海,当我找到它的那天就是我停止爱你的那天。  Don’t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them  to.


Loving  you is all I do, throughout the day and through the night.


With  every breath I take it's your Love that keeps me sane.


Do  you ever wish you had a second chance to meet someone again for the first  time.


Sometimes  I pretend like I don't care, but really, I care more than anyone else ever  will.

其实,我只是假装不在乎而已。  All relationships go through hell, Real ones get through it.


If  you truly love someone, being faithful is easy.


I  don't know what I'd do without you.




I  feel like everything in my life has led me to you.


Life  is too short not to love it with all your heart.


Cherish  every moment, be kind to yourself and appreciate everything you do.


The  best thing about this year was meeting you.


Some  people are meant to fall in love with each other but not meant to be  together


Sometimes  we just fall in love with the wrong people


Falling  in love with you is the second best thing in the  world. Finding  you is the first.


I  fell in love with your personality, your looks are just a bonus.


The  second I saw you, I knew we had something special.


The  second I looked away, all I wanted to do was look back.


I'm  falling in love with you, not because of how you look, but because of who you  are.



How  and When Do You Honk ?你该什么时候按喇叭,怎么按?

“Honk”  falls into the category of onomatopoeic words in  English.在英语中,“Honk”(按喇叭)一词属于象声词。

These  are words whose pronunciation resemble their meaning. Other  examples would be “sizzle” or “cuckoo”, as cited in the Oxford Concise English  Dictionary.(By the way, dear reader, if you already know the meaning of  “onomatopoeic” in English, your English is pretty damn good. Certainly better  than many native speakers. If you also know how to pronounce it, then you’ve  earned a gold  medal.)这类词多是用发音来模拟含义。例如《牛津简明英语词典》中收录的“sizzle”(滋滋响)和“cuckoo”(布谷鸟叫声)就同属此类。(顺便说一句,亲爱的读者们,如果您早就认识“onomatopoeic”(象声词)一词,您的英文水平非常高,肯定比很多英语母语的人还强。如果还知道它怎么发音,您就该拿金牌了。)

The  first meaning given for “honk” in the dictionary is “the cry of a wild  goose”.I’m not one to quibble with lexicographers – a profession I have  deep respect for – but I guess the cry of a wild goose is very similar to the  cry of a domestic goose. Both sound like “honk”, although the wild goose is much  louder, so should probably be capitalized for emphasis: “HONK”.字典中“honk”的基础释义是“野鹅的叫声”。我没有词典编撰者——我非常尊敬的专家——那么较真儿,但我猜,野鹅的叫声应该与家鹅非常类似,听上去都是“honk”,但野鹅应该是大嗓门儿,所以也许该用大写的“HONK”来表示强调。

The  second meaning is “the sound of a car horn”. This is the honk which I’m thinking  about as I write this.“Honk”的第二重含义是“汽车鸣笛的声音”,也是我在本博客中关注的解释。

Before  I go on, let me mention that the next word in the dictionary after “honk” is  “honky”, which began is a mildly offensive slang term for white people. Later  on, the word “honkie” emerged, which is a slang term for Hong Kong people. This  means that as a white man and long-term resident of Hong Kong, I could be  referred to as a Honky Honkie. But I digress …下笔之前,容我再啰嗦几句。字典里“honk”下面的词是“honky”(白鬼子),最开始是一种对白人比较温和的蔑称,后来又衍生出“honkie”一词,也就是俗称的“香港佬”。作为长期定居在香港的白人,我可以被称作是“Honky  Honkie”(白鬼香港佬)。抱歉,扯远了……

Now  back to “honk”, as in the sound of car horn. This past weekend, I drove out to  Hong Kong’s New Territories –a district with a curious juxtaposition of  beautiful, wild and unspoiled country parks, plus numerous truck repair and  shipping container storage yards, low and high rise housing, and Hong Kong’s  remaining small agricultural plots. From where I live this involves one harbor  tunnel crossing, and then driving on a mix of highways and single lane rural  roads.再回到“honk”(汽车喇叭声)。上周,我开车去香港新界——那里有美不胜收、野趣盎然、原始状态的国家公园,数不清的卡车修理厂、集装箱仓库,高低错落的大厦,还有香港仅存的小型农田,奇妙地共生一处。从我的住处开车过去,要经过海底隧道、几条高速,还有单行道的乡村土路,才能到达。

We  read about the imminent popularization of self-driving cars, as well as cars  equipped with various accessories connected to the internet of things, and  eventually those imbued with artificial intelligence. Meanwhile, however, cars  are driven by ordinary people like you and me. And to communicate between  vehicles, one option drivers have is honking. Other options include turning  signals, flashing headlamps, waving your hands, etc.  我们都读过关于无人驾驶、装有联网设备,以至于最终由人工智能操控的汽车将要普及的消息。但同时,汽车还是要由你我这样的普通人来驾驶。车际交流的一个方式就是鸣笛,此外还有打转向灯、闪大灯、挥手等等。

Undesirable  and dangerous inter-vehicle communication options include suddenly stopping your  vehicle without notice, abruptly turning or changing lanes without signalling,  etc.Unfortunately we’ve all seen plenty of drivers who communicate like  this.Sometimes when I drive out to the countryside, I leave the radio and music  off. It’s a nice time to quietly reflect and observe. Through this experience I  have discovered that there are two main types of honking which occur in  traffic.不受欢迎也比较危险的车际沟通方式包括毫无征兆的急刹车、突然急转弯和变线之类。很遗憾,我们都见过许多司机会这样做。有时候我开车去郊区,会关掉收音机和音乐,享受思考和观察的静谧时光。这种体验让我留意到,行车鸣笛主要可以分为两大类。

The  first is the annoying, useless kind of honking, perpetrated by people who seems  to lack patience and revel in the creation of noise  pollution.Perhaps they have road rage, anger management issues  or are very insecure in themselves. They seem compelled to seek attention by  repetitive use of their car horn in situations where it serves no useful purpose  whatsoever, such as immovable traffic jams.第一类是令人厌烦的毫无用处的鸣笛,按喇叭的人似乎缺少耐心,就爱制造噪音找乐子。也许他们有路怒症、愤怒管理问题或者缺乏自我安全感。在完全徒劳的情况下,比如交通瘫痪时,他们也要反复按喇叭以吸引别人的注意,就像有强迫症一样。

The  second type of honking is intended to catch the attention of another driver or  pedestrian, often to signal a potential problem or safety issue.  These are not compulsive honkers, but considerate honkers. I like to think I am  one of these. (I guess that makes me a Honky Honkie Honker. Note to translator:  don’t even try to translate that ….) My late father often counselled me, when I  was a learner driver, to be a “defensive driver”; because you never know what  the other guy is going to do. Good advice.第二类鸣笛是希望引起其他车辆或行人的注意,一般是要提示潜在的问题或安全隐患。这些人没有鸣笛强迫症,在按喇叭时都思虑得比较周全。窃以为,我就属于这一类人。(如此,我是不是可以被称作“Honky  Honkie  Honker”呢?本文译者也别想着把这个词儿翻译出来了……)我学车时,先父常告诫我要做一个“防御性的司机”,因为你永远不知道其他司机会干出什么来。他说得特别对。

If  you think about it, the zones where honking is most common are those places  where different lanes of traffic merge: entrances and exits on highways, areas  where three lane roads are reduced in width to only two lanes, etc. These, not  surprisingly, are also frequently the zones where traffic accidents  occur.仔细想想,鸣笛高发区一般都是在车道车流的交汇处,比如高速的出入口,或者三车道并两车道的地方。毫无以外,这里也是事故的多发区。

A  lot of accidents could be prevented if more drivers exercised caution in these  high-risk zones. Part of safe driving involves giving clear signals about your  intentions, in advance, so that other drivers can anticipate your moves and  avoid collisions. Turn signals are a routine way to achieve this. Honking is  more of a last-minute warning to attempt to prevent an accident from  occurring.在这些高危地区,如果更多的驾驶员能够多加小心,就可以预防很多事故的发生。安全驾驶还包括提前对行车意图给出明确的信号,这样其他司机就能预测你的行动,避免碰撞。打转向灯是最常用的做法,鸣笛则是警示预防事故发生的最后选项。

In  driving, as in business partnerships and relationships generally, success  depends on effective management of mutual expectations. That requires clear and  effective communication of one’s intentions in advance of action being taken. An  all-too-common mistake is to assume the other party understands and anticipates  your next move. It’s far safer to assume the opposite, and try hard to achieve  clear communication and mutual  understanding.车开得好坏与处理商业伙伴关系类似,都在于有效管理双方的期望值。这就要求在行动前,要对自己的意图作出清晰、明确的沟通。大家常犯的一个错误就是,总是假设对方能够明白并预测到自己下一步的行动。如果能把这个假设反过来,并清楚地沟通,形成互相间的理解,就会安全许多。

Above  all, if you see an accident about to happen, on the road or in business, honk  like a wild goose rather than cooing like a pet  pigeon.最重要的是,如果眼见事故就要发生,无论是在开车还是在公司,一定要学野鹅那样大声叫出来,千万别像鸽子似的小声嘀咕。(四不像博客)



“If  you’re going to San Francisco…”


“…be  sure to wear flowers in your hair.” The above lyric was made famous by a 1967  song which topped the charts in the U.S., when San Francisco was at the cutting  edge of the American counterculture movement.

“……记得在鬓间簪满鲜花。”这句歌词源于1967年曾荣登美国歌曲排行榜首位的老歌《三藩市》。而那一年的三藩市(San  Francisco),正处在美国反文化运动的最前沿。

Many  decades before that, the traditional Chinese language name for San Francisco  (旧金山) (literally “Old Gold Mountain”) was , for many Chinese, more or less  synonymous with America itself. San Francisco was the gateway and first port of  call for many if not most Chinese visitors, workers , and migrants during the  19th century.


In  recent years, apart from skyrocketing numbers of tourists from the Chinese  mainland, the other big influx of Chinese into the U.S. is students. The bulk of  these are enrolled in college and university degree programs, but the numbers in  secondary school are also growing quickly.


A  new book, “Preparing to Study in the U.S.A.: 15 Things Every International  Student Should Know” is highly recommended for students as well as parents  considering post-secondary education in the U.S..

在这里,我要向考虑去美国接受高中以上教育的学生和家长推荐一本新书——  《赴美留学准备:国际学生必知的15件事》。

Although  its 15 chapters include one on “admissions”, the focus of the book is primarily  not the admissions process, but rather all the other issues which would-be  exchange students should consider when selecting schools as well as preparing  for life and study there.


Each  chapter contains a “Frequently Asked Questions” section at the end, and the book  is filled with useful advice and tips, some of which may come as a shock to  readers in China.


For  example, in the “Admissions” chapter: “Students should avoid agents or anyone  who charges a fee. The free information and counselling provided by an  EducationUSA adviser can help enormously.” (EducationUSA has branches in some  170 countries worldwide.) This will no doubt also come as unwelcome advice to  the thousands of educational consultants and agents in China who are charging  hefty fees – sometimes with added bonuses for success — to assist with admission  into elite US colleges.


As  the opening chapter explains, the U.S. has 4,700 colleges and universities.  Despite the rapid growth in international student enrollment (up 72% since  2000), international students still represent only slightly more than 4% of the  total nationwide enrollment of 21 million.


To  put that in another way, international students are still a very small minority  on any US college campus. This makes for a challenging social and cultural  adjustment process for most of them.


Another  big adjustment awaits in the classroom, given America’s tradition of liberal  education, which strives to develop independent, critical thinking, innovation  and problem-solving, questioning, debate and discussion. This is a far cry from  what most Chinese students have experienced up to and including secondary  school.


No  discussion of US university education today can avoid the ferocity of the  competition for admission to top schools. It’s no surprise, then, that half of  the universities and colleges with the largest enrollment of international  students are public (ie state schools) rather than private institutions. The  only Ivy League school in the top 25 in terms of international student  enrollment is Columbia.


(As  an interesting piece of historical trivia, the chapter on US higher education  points out that of the 8 Ivy League schools, all but one were founded when the  US was still a British colony.)


There  was explosive growth in post-secondary school enrollment in the U.S. from  1965-2000: up 265% , versus roughly 45% population growth during that period.  From 5.92 million in 1965, the ranks of college students swelled to 15.31  million in 2000. That’s equivalent to roughly half the adult population of the  U.S.


In  recent years, roughly 25% of graduating U.S. high school seniors apply for 7 or  more colleges or universities.


The  book compares salient differences between state and private schools. It  highlights some important aspects, including risks, of student life on  campus.


The  authors discuss the overwhelming importance of sports in campus life, and the  impact it has on the student community, including the language of college  sports, which is huge. Like it or not, this is something international students  will confront and need to adjust to.


The  American university with the largest enrollment of students from China on a  single campus is The University of Illinois at Champagne-Urbana. With 4,500  Chinese students trying to cope with sports mania, the university has begun  Chinese language broadcasts of the university’s football games. That’s a good  start.


I  fully understand the magnetic appeal of higher education in the U.S. for parents  and students in the Chinese mainland with the resources to afford the relatively  high costs (the average annual cost for a private 4-year college is US$42,419;  and some range much higher than that).


At  the same time, I’ve often wondered how newly arrived Chinese students cope with  what is an enormously different cultural, social and academic milieu.


Understandably,  many seem to stick together with other Chinese students, or other Asian  students.


Books  like this new one address a very important need: to help guide the process of  selecting a school which is a good fit for the individual student, and offering  some pointers on ways to prepare to adapt and adjust, avoiding pitfalls along  the way.



1.  “Love is when the other person’s happiness is more important than your own.” –  H. Jackson Brown, Jr.“


2.  “You can’t blame gravity for falling love.” – Albert Einstein“


3.  “Don’t forget to love yourself.” – Soren Kierkegaard“


4.  “The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.” – Audrey  Hepburn“


5.  “I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.” –  Martin Luther King, Jr.“


6.  “Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.” –  Aristotle“


7.  “Love doesn’t make the world go ’round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.”  – Franklin P. Jones“


8.  “I look at you and see the rest of my life in front of my eyes.” –  Unknown“


9.  “The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard,  but must be felt with the heart.” – Helen Keller “


10.  “I would rather spend one lifetime with you, than face all the ages of this  world alone.” – Lord of The Rings“


11.  “If I know what love is, it is because of you.” – Herman Hesse“


12.  “At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.” – Plato“


13.  “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply  gives you courage.” – Lao-Tzu“


14.  “Love is like war: easy to begin but very hard to stop.” – H. L.  Mencken“


15.  “Better to have lost and loved than never to have loved at all.” – Ernest  Hemingway“


The  world is my monster

