



1. A.many B.one C.eight

2. A.look B.book C.bag

3. A.three B.green C.yellow

4. A.blue B.black C.ten

5. A.nine B.five C.fine

6. A.cat B.hat C.dog

7. A.cap B.cat C.hat

8. A.six B.girl C.boy

9. A.hello B.here C.hi

10. A.this B.that C.what


1. 早上见到老师你,要问好,你应该说:________

A.Hello.B.Good morning.C.Goodbye.

2. 见到同学打招呼用:________

A.Hello.B.Good morning.C.Goodbye.

3. 当你和对方道别时,应该说:_________

A.Hello.B.Good morning.C.Goodbye.

4. 当你想了解对方的身体状况时,应该问:________

A.How are you ? B.I’m fine , thank you.

C.What’s your name ?

5. 你想知道别人的名字时,应该问:________

A.How are you ? B.I’m Daming.C.What’s your name ?

6. 当别人问你名字时,你回答说:________

A.How are you ? B.I’m Daming.C.What’s your name ?

7. 你的书掉到同桌凳子下面,你想让他站起来,你应该说:_______

A.Sit down , please.B.Stand up , please.C.Hello.

8. 别人帮助了你,你应该说:______

A.How are you? B.Thank you.C.Sit down , please.

9. 上课时,老师想让Sam指着窗户,应该说:________

A.Point to the chair, Sam.B.Point to the blackboard, Sam.

C.Point to the window, Sam.

10. 家里来客人了,你应该说:______

A.Sit down , please.B.Stand up , please.C.What’s your name ?


1.—What’s this? —___________

A.I’m nine.B.It’s a cake.C.That’s a cake.

2.—Happy birthday! —___________

A.Thank you! B.I’m nine.C.Happy birthday!

3.—Here’s your present! —___________

A.Thank you! B.Oh , no! C.What’s this?

4.—How are you? —___________

A.How are you? B.I’m fine, thank you.C.I’m nine.

5.—How old are you? —___________

A.How old are you? B.I’m fine, thank you.C.I’m nine.




j  b r y  d n e  s l k


_____Cc_____ _____Hh_____ _____Mm_____ _____ Oo ___________ Uu ______


( )1、A, draw B, cook C、 red

( )2、A, dance B, grape C、 banana

( )3、A, box B, blue C、 balloon

( )4、A, blue B, green C、 book

( )5、A, cold B ,beanie C、coat


( )1、I A, 我 B, 你

( )2、yes A, 不是 B, 是的

( )3、red A, 红色 B, 绿色

( )4、your A, 你的 B, 我的

( )5、robot A, 机器人 B ,先生

五、给下列句子选择正确的汉语意思。(只写序号) 20分

( )1、good morning

A, 早上好 B, 下午好

( )2、Thank you .

A, 对不起 B, 谢谢你

( )3、Oh 、no !

A, 哦、不! B,哦、是的。

( )4、This is Miss Li.

A, 这是李老师。 B, 这是李先生 。

( )5、Look at my balloon.

A, 看我的气球。 B ,给我一个气球

( )6、I can dance.

A, 我会画画 。 B, 我会跳舞 。

( )7、It’s blue.

A, 它是蓝色的 。 B,它是黑色的。

( )8、great.

A, 太棒了。 B, 我喜欢。

( )9、Put on your scarf .

A,戴上你的围巾 B, 穿上你的外套

( )10、It’s cold .

A, 天气很冷。 B ,天气很热。


( )1、早上你遇见了小强、你想和他打招呼、你可以说: ________.

A, Good morning B, Good night.

( )2、你告诉妈妈你喜欢吃葡萄、应该说: ________。

A, I like grapes. B,I like bananas .

( )3、放学后、你想跟同学说再见、应该说:________

A, Good afternoon . B, Goodbye .

( )4、请给我一个粉色的气球、应该说:________

A, A pink balloon,please B, A blue box,please .

( )5、夸赞别人的东西漂亮、应该说:________

A, It’s nice . B, Thank you .



1、 pple 2、 at

3、 range 4、 ouse

5、 ion 6、 oo


vase 小提琴

violin 冬天

winter 花瓶

pencil 春天

spring 铅笔

English 英语

plane 轮船

ship 大象

train 火车

elephant 飞机


1、I (起床) at six in the morning.

A. gut up B. play football C. go to school D. go to work

2、He _______ (足球) in the afternoon.

A. play basketball B. play the flute C. plays football D. sing

3、We (去上学) by bike.

A. walk to school B. go out C. go to school D. go home

4、We have (数字和语文) in the morning.

A. Maths and English B. Maths and Chinese C. Music and Chinese

5、My father goes to work (骑自行车)。

A. by bike B. by bus C. by plane D. by train

6、They (吃午饭) at twelve.

A. have breakfast B. have dinner C. have lunch D. have sweets

7、He plays the (笛子) in the classroom.

A. drums B. flute C. play pingpong

8、Do you (去游泳)?Yes,I do.

A. go to swimming B. go swimming B. go swim

9、We (穿毛衣) in autumn.

A. wear sweaters B. wear shirts C. wear gloves D. wear hats

10、In (夏天),we wear T-shirt.

A. spring B. winter C. autumn D. summer


一、 辨音题。(6分)

( )1. big doll ( )2. girl orange ( )3. cat kite

( )4. new cinema ( )5. five photo ( )6. sofa please


1. 看一看________________________6.try this pair on____________________

2. 五只猫 _______________________7.have breakfast____________________

3. 她的鞋子______________________8.read the new words________________

4.一辆新的小汽车_________________9. whose gloves _

5. 在八点十分__________________ 10. Don’t worry.


( ) 1.__________ my pen? It’s on the bed.

A. What’s B. Where’s C. Where

( ) 2. Look at Gao Shan.__________ gloves are so big.

A. He B. His C. Her

( ) 3. What’s the matter_______ you? I’m thirsty.

A. for B. with C. on

( ) 4. What time do you get up?_____________.

A. It’s thirteen. B. It’s five thirty. C. At six thirty.

( ) 5.Here’s a ____________ you.

A. to B. for C. with

( ) 6. May I come in? ____________.

A. I’m sorry. B. Not at all. C. Come in, please.

( ) 7. Do you like ___________?

A. kite B. cars C. a bus

( ) 8. The shorts__________ too long.

A. are B. is C. am

( ) 9. What’s _________ over there?

A. that B. this C. it

( ) 10. Is it a crayon? No, ____________.

A. it isn’t. B. it is C. they aren’t.



( )1. Where’s Nancy? A. It’s fifteen.

( )2. Whose skirt is this? B. It’s five ten.

( )3. What’s five and ten? C. She’s in the classroom.

( )4. What time do you have breakfast? D. It’s Nancy’s.

( )5. What’s the time? E. At six fifty.


( )1.你想知道这双袜子是谁的,可以问:

A. Whose socks is it? B. Whose socks are they?

( )2.你想问几点了,可以说:

A. Excuse me, what’s the time, please? B. What time do you get up?

( )3.上课迟到了,学生可以对老师说:

A. Thank you. B. Sorry, I’m late.

( )4.感叹冰激凌真凉啊,可以说:

A. It’s an ice-cream. B. What a cold ice-cream!

( )5.你想告诉对方“它是我哥哥的”,你可以说:

A. It’s my brothers. B. It’s my brother’s.


1. be, don’t, late, again(.)


2. this, notebook, for, is, you(.)


3. the, my, mother’s, gloves, are(.)


4. to, go, time, it’s, to, bed(.)


5. me, excuse, this, your, purse, is(,?)



1. 这牛仔裤太长了。

——The ___________ are _______ long.


——__________ ____________that book, please.

3. 请坐。喝些橙汁吧。

——Please _________ down. __________ some orange juice.


——What’s that __________ __________?

——It’s ______ brother’s__________.

5. 过来,你喜欢这个气球吗?

——Come , you like ?


Hello, my name is Betty. I’m ten years old. My father is a doctor(医生). My mother is a teacher(教师). My brother and I are students. I like rabbits, but my brother likes monkeys. I get up at six. I read the book in the morning, then I go to school at seven. I love my family very much.

( )1. Betty is eleven years old.

( )2. There are three people(人) in Betty’s family.

( )3. Betty’s brother likes monkeys.

( )4. Betty’s father is a teacher.

( )5. Betty goes to school at seven thirty.

