

跟单英文自我评价 篇1

I have a very high plasticity, positive, enthusiastic, able to quickly enter the work role. Ideological progress, to strict demands on themselves, work seriously, have a sense of responsibility, patience. Decided to do it must do it well.

Personality, optimistic, cheerful, perseverance, hard-working, have the ability to study, can continue to learn and motivated, and can always maintain a sense of balance, keep up with the development of the industry. Adaptability, like exposure to new things, with affinity, in the case do not understand to humbly ask.

Engaged in a single business and procurement duties, familiar with the business with the single process and procurement processes. Be competent for the professional and single-business work.

跟单英文自我评价 篇2

Now recalling internship, the past also vividly, there are sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, and from the hearts of only the best taste of their own. But it is undeniable that these experiences will be rare in my life which accumulated wealth and experience. Graduation practice is every student must have a period of experience, it allows us to understand the society in practice, so that we learned a lot in the classroom did not learn the knowledge, but also opened the horizon, an increase of knowledge for our future further Society to lay a solid foundation, so this practice experience quite deep.

Into the company internship has been more than three months time, in this short period of time, there have been joy, excitement, have been distressed, there have been melancholy, bitter and sweet and sour have experienced and experienced, so I From a fledgling student, gradually into the community, familiar with the company's organizational structure, scope of business, personnel relations, corporate culture. In different positions on the exercise, with different master learning, not only opened up my eyes, but also accumulated a lot of business knowledge and improve the ability to work.

Daily work includes: the production of the contract, the production of instructions issued, the production of shipping advice, the production of bills of lading and invoices, check the documents, documents sent, the recovery of money; contact with customers in a timely manner, Mail, telephone or fax to provide customers with effective information (shipping advice, cargo transport conditions, etc.), according to the timely manner of trade reminder; timely communication with the sales manager, updated daily work sequence forms and spreadsheets, to sales The manager provides effective information (production schedule, customer picking up and payment, customer requirements), according to the idea of the sales manager to produce contracts and instructions; and documents confirm the certificate, and shipping confirm the shipment date, and freight forwarding to confirm the bill of lading. When the company took an order, the accounting need to review the single and the management of a single, in the next single, I have to check the various problems, such as the number of colors, etc., if each order is a different pattern, not the same fabric , Not the same process, we must take the customer's requirements in the production of a single write clearly. In the entire production process, if the accident can not meet customer needs, timely and leadership to reflect and find a suitable solution. The first step is to take orders with the single, the guests will be required to do a single system of products to us, and my job is based on rough information provided by customers through their own order to extract, to make a standardized format, which One step is critical, because the various departments of the job and no ready-made products can be used for reference, so many of the work can only rely on this system to complete.To do a better job with a single, I first start from the following aspects:

(A) familiar with the customer. Familiar with the customer's goods to the situation and its laws, such as a customer like to what kind of goods, what the specifications, what are the special requirements, etc., which are I do with the single must be familiar with and understand.

(B) a deep understanding of product knowledge. Only our better understanding of my products in order to more effectively work to reduce the number of low-level errors, such as how much the amount of leather loaded what specifications in a container can be installed in the number of boxes, as well as how to protect the container products, which Is that we must understand the basic common sense.

(3) contracts and directives. When I do the contract must be more communication with the sales manager, such as the customer to the goods of the specifications, weight, amount and timetable. To ensure correct and then sent to the customer in the past.

(4) in the confirmation of documents. I must understand the importance of documents to customers, a humble error to the customer there will be a very troublesome, or even directly affect the customer's normal delivery, it must also be accurate.

(E) in making a single, invoice. Get a certificate of origin when I can do single invoice, do a good job after the first put away, to the customer before the check every day to send documents several times, so that can be very effective rate of error reduction.

跟单英文自我评价 篇3

Unconsciously, into the high-Lu US fast five months, and look back on the five months of study and work, the first internship in the workshop hard and sweat, with the initial difficulties and frustrations when there are successful completion of the task of pleasure and satisfaction , Very pleased to enter into the high-Lu and everyone to learn together, grow together, and common progress. Now on the second half of 20xx personal work is summarized as follows:

First, the annual work:

1, familiar with all aspects of the company: I in the end of August to enter the company, where I would like to thank the company's production line in the first month of exercise, so I can personally understand the company's production process And size specifications for the future with a single job to lay a solid foundation. After the end of the internship to return to the office began to step up to the company's various rules and regulations to conduct a comprehensive understanding of the company's corporate culture. Through understanding and familiarity, I am proud to be a part of the team and feel my own pressure. In future work, I will be the company's rules and regulations as a criterion, strict demands on themselves, in the case of adherence to the principle of courage to try, faster and better to complete the task.

2, familiar with the business process with a single: as a novice with a single, you must as soon as possible to understand the work with a single with a clear and single-related processes and foreign trade terms. Have to admit, the original me, with the single, not too many specific concepts, but fortunately, in the department leaders of the training, support and leadership, and slowly began to familiar with the specific operational processes with the single. I learned at work, with the work of a single need to be careful, but also stable work. Second, we must take the initiative to develop their own rigorous and meticulous habits, no matter what kind of thing in the face, we must first calm gas, not rash, not impatient; the other is to do a good job, The third is to take the initiative and the sales manager, and colleagues in various departments to communicate, do not shame to ask, do not know to ask, ask questions; four is to have the spirit of perseverance, with the single in the beginning may be a novel work , A long time may have boredom emotions, which is to be avoided, no matter what nature of the work, are playing their own role, and only perseverance in order to continue to progress. I think the only way to do a good job with the single in order to continuously improve their ability to further development and lay a good foundation.

Second, lack of work and need to improve:

1, work initiative to play is not very good, the work of predictability and creativity is not enough, from the leadership of the requirements there is a certain distance;

2, the business knowledge is not solid enough, in the future work, I will be strict demands on themselves, with an open mind to learn, I believe that with their high sense of responsibility and self-confidence, will be able to improve these shortcomings and deficiencies, All aspects of greater progress.

3, to be more careful to complete the work, especially when doing the information. With the single is a very detailed work, so we have to be with the time to be careful, meticulous and careful.

跟单英文自我评价 篇4

Unconsciously, into the high-Lu US fast five months, and look back on the five months of study and pletion of the task of pleasure and satisfaction , Very pleased to enter into the high-Lu and everyone to learn together, gromon progress. Nopany: I in the end of August to enter the company, pany's production line in the first month of exercise, so I can personally understand the company's production process And size specifications for the future pany's various rules and regulations to conduct a comprehensive understanding of the company's corporate culture. Through understanding and familiarity, I am proud to be a part of the team and feel my opany's rules and regulations as a criterion, strict demands on themselves, in the case of adherence to the principle of courage to try, faster and better to complete the task.2, familiar municate, do not shame to ask, do not kno emotions, the leadership of the requirements there is a certain distance;

2, the business knoings and deficiencies, All aspects of greater progress.3, to be more careful to complete the pany to strengthen communication and understanding, to become a good Merchandiser. Te back to sum up the occasion suddenly a these days bit by bit performance should be exposed to the shiny, but until noply pany's rules and regulations, consciously and effectively completed their handling of everything. And to see and hear their nepany. After 20 days of e managers, and here e time, e things seem to be done, but the tail in the end hoe things simply in the middle, it is fool to manipulate.

Work on the biggest shortcomings

1. has not really into the large family of Wenzhou Petty. For many other colleagues in the company's topic, not much understanding. This may be due to the relationship here just arrived, a lot of ideas can not keep up e to realize that this subtle relationship virtually. I believe I can make progress in the coming days.

2. The company's production operations do not knoing days.

I am at e to the Division I is the process of inspection, I studied the various parts of the form of production;2, the study of the erp system and the basic method of Manpopany. Although this period there have been more embarrassing situation, such as do not kno? But now can finally cope with;

I know that the performance of the above may not be able to let the leadership feel satisfied, frankly, I do not have much confidence in the process of doing business with a single piece of the manipulation process; But I firmly believe that they can in future work will be better, to ensure that leadership to meet.

跟单英文自我评价 篇5

No the hearts of only the best taste of their o did not learn the knopany internship has been more than three months time, in this short period of time, there have been joy, excitement, have been distressed, there have been melancholy, bitter and s a fledgling student, gradually into the community, familiar pany's organizational structure, scope of business, personnel relations, corporate culture. In different positions on the exercise, ers in a timely manner, Mail, telephone or fax to provide customers munication er picking up and payment, customer requirements), according to the idea of the sales manager to produce contracts and instructions; and documents confirm the certificate, and shipping confirm the shipment date, and freight forpany took an order, the accounting need to revieer's requirements in the production of a single er needs, timely and leadership to reflect and find a suitable solution. The first step is to take orders ers through their oplete. To do a better job the folloer. Familiar er's goods to the situation and its laer like to mon sense.

(1) contracts and directives. When I do the contract must be more communication er to the goods of the specifications, er in the past.

(2) in the confirmation of documents. I must understand the importance of documents to customers, a humble error to the customer there e, or even directly affect the customer's normal delivery, it must also be accurate.

(3) in making a single, invoice. Get a certificate of origin er before the check every day to send documents several times, so that can be very effective rate of error reduction.

跟单英文自我评价 篇6

I, as a merchandiser, want to see themselves can be faster, more different types of orders to take over, you can with the whole process.And other members of the company to strengthen communication and understanding, to become a good Merchandiser. Two months of a pause there is no sound of the passage of time, at this time need to come back to sum up the occasion suddenly aware of the day of the rush. The following summary of my work as follows:

Two months of the grinding practice matrix, arguably, in the end is a sword or rust iron should be from these days bit by bit performance should be exposed to the shiny, but until now, I have no confidence in their own shiny luster - In the two months, I have 20 days in the workshop internship, familiar with the product, the second month, into the office familiar with the business process with a single.

Two months, I seriously comply with the company's rules and regulations, consciously and effectively completed their handling of everything. And to see and hear their new projects every day to summarize back to class.But also insist on writing a work diary (the guests responsible for their own list of the situation in a timely manner).

I have been in the day of things, the principles of doing that day, the things they are responsible for their own, more responsible for the company.After 20 days of workshop study, I can make a lot of conventional products produced by our company, can distinguish whether the product is qualified, know how to do products will look more beautiful (small skills). Workplace in the workshop summary, before I sum up each workshop on a way to some managers, and here do not do further summary.

Below I would like to summarize my study during the office. On the overall work experience, I was quite satisfied. But there are also some time, will feel a bit no sense of manipulation without head. Some things seem to be done, but the tail in the end how? Some things simply in the middle, it is fool to manipulate.

Work on the biggest shortcomings

1, has not really into the large family of Wenzhou Petty. For many other colleagues in the company's topic, not much understanding. This may be due to the relationship here just arrived, a lot of ideas can not keep up with their rhythm. But I have come to realize that this subtle relationship virtually. I believe I can make progress in the coming days.

2. The company's production operations do not know enough. Despite the current work of these bottlenecks, but I believe, as long as the persistence of learning, constantly sum up. I will certainly be able to make progress in the coming days.

I am at work on the harvest

1, in the preparatory EU delegation to come to the Division I is the process of inspection, I studied the various parts of the form of production;

2, the study of the erp system and the basic method of Manpower system;

3, familiar with the division of labor of the company. Although this period there have been more embarrassing situation, such as do not know their professional problems encountered should go to whom? But now can finally cope with;

I know that the performance of the above may not be able to let the leadership feel satisfied, frankly, I do not have much confidence in the process of doing business with a single piece of the manipulation process; But I firmly believe that they can in future work will be better, to ensure that leadership to meet.

跟单英文自我评价 篇7

(1) the wrong professional I took a detour, society is another university

Speaking with the single, this is a very marginal work, the University can not be a professional can be said that the counterparts. English and foreign trade can be said to dip point side, so with me to do with the singular are strange professional, have to learn music, learn sports, history, medicine, but have a little ----- English is also decent.

In the junior year when I was determined not to Kaoyan, then began to prepare to get more certificates, assault for 2 months, made dozens of sets of questions to 63 points cost-effective to win the English 6 certificate, the green In fact, China is not the professional, the reason to say so, just want to explain how my professional is useless. My professional is "rice pathological repair and psychological counseling".After graduating from 2 years, I Hunhunee to enter and leave in this industry, from the beginning of the 900 wages, to the last one of the 1200. When I left the northern city, the hands of the home is sent 500 I did not find a job for a month, I was crushed, I only understand one thing, I have to abandon the professional, I want to start again.

(2) with a single factory to teach me a lot, then do direct benefit from foreign trade

Rest at home for half a month, I bought a ticket south, I remember the dawn of the morning, the mother took the tears to send me to leave the train station.

At that time I considered a lot, to re-positioning itself.

I am not very smart people, from small to large, the results are very poor, college examinations are often linked to the teacher.

I am more shy personality, temper is more rigid, aversion to the mall on the deception and means (but unfortunately, people are now dealing with 10 every day there are five sentences are false).

I hope that relatively simple relationships, on their own ability to show themselves, after much deliberation, decided to do foreign trade. This is also the University of hard to learn English reasons. Although I did not even know what FOB CIF, to the gz, I found the side of the business is very pragmatic, the interview will look through your resume will come up with some papers, ask you to answer questions. . I immediately bought two books in the book city, a "Foreign Trade Practical English", a "English job search" edge to find school, spent a month, and finally set down, is a scale of garment enterprises, wages Is 2k, for me very satisfied.

In fact, I do not say that foreign trade, but some far away in the Philippines or Vietnam, the Chinese people to help them follow up in the domestic orders. In order to avoid high quotas in Europe and America, then generally in the country to complete the various parts of clothing, and then packaged to the overseas Philippines or Vietnam or Cambodia, such as third-country assembly, (then I understand this thing, the businessPeople's minds praise is not easy, huh, huh, money and interests to promote the development of society, a good market economy, Oh) and then shipped to Europe and the United States. At that time I learned a lot, I have to go all the departments of the factory, large to the director of the office, a small warehouse manager, smaller to a machine from a province of a county flower girl, she may But was responsible for putting on a skirt zipper car, but I must see her in the past is done in accordance with the requirements.

At that time I learned the textile fabric is very professional stuff, and the clothing of the version of / cut / sewing / finishing, etc., small to silk / button / zipper / trademark / readily available, English is also leaps and bounds.

跟单英文自我评价 篇8

Everything that is equal to half the success of self-confidence

1. I have two years of foreign trade procurement experience with the single, familiar with the needs of foreign customers and procurement characteristics

2. Strong learning ability, be able to quickly familiar with the needs of different industries to understand the products, 3. Channels: regular exhibitions through the network, real-time control of the latest industry information, the latest products

4. Be able to stand on one side, good at summing up the analysis, unique thinking ability, in the shortest possible time, according to their summary of the procurement program to find customers need products

5. Have good communication, negotiation, cable-like skills, understanding of supplier psychology

6. The procurement of products has its own unique insights, summed up a set of detailed inquiry specifications and steps

7. Good to guide suppliers to provide quotes, regular supplier resource management, integration and assessment

8. Familiar with b2b, b2c network operating mode

9. The next decade, planning determined in the foreign trade, procurement industry

10. Proficiency in office automation software, can operate two-dimensional cad and ps, good communication skills in English

11. Give me a computer, a phone, I can purchase to the world's most inexpensive goods.
