
Gentle as the sunshine is ,warm and sweet。这次漂亮的小编为您带来了简单的英文小诗歌通用7篇,希望能够帮助到大家。

Fluttering Feeling 篇1

My heart has thissome sort of fluttering feeling

that will only pausewhen your voice comes into my mind

You smile so brilliantly against the sunshine

Let me tell you a secret:

Your smile has captured my heart


your voice appeared in my dream

So deep, so calm, so charming

That every sound on Earth disappeared

The second I heard your voice

When will this fluttering feeling stop?

I sometimes do wish for it to go

for my once peaceful and quiet life

has already gone the moment I saw your smile

i‘m going faster than you 篇2








The wind took my first love, rain is my sad tears. Heart really hurts, but I stand in the wind.

Let the wind laugh at 。 I tell the wind I'll turn into light,I'm going faster than you.

what is love 篇3

what is love?

i often think about this problem.

But i do not have a exactly answer.

Maybe is a thing that you can pay life for others.

Love is a kind of giving.

If one person who can not give ,

he must do not know what is love.

I am a young girl.

Maybe some people may think i can say this problem.

But in fact ,i have experience many things.

My parents got porced when i was very young.

Because my father fall love with another woman.

i can not understand.

Why they were became now.

My mother and my father have love when they were very young.

Even i can say my mom help my father gone with the time that was most terrible.In that time ,

my father had nothing.

No house,no money,no car,no money,he was very poor.

But my mom followed with him,just for love.

But what he gave my mother.

After he have money ,

he have another woman who is younger and more beautiful.

And at last ,

he even for that woman desert me.his dauther.

I really do not know what is love.

Love is so changeable.

From my parents' love i learn that one must keep himself in love.

Once he lost himself ,

his love will lost too.

let bygones be bygones 篇4


The past is long


The running water glides past


Friendship has been lost


Love doesn't belong to you


No way out


Let bygones be bygones

warm wind(暖风 篇5

Like the gentle wind when the sunny weather always hope (像晴朗天气时的温柔的风 总是满怀期待)

The children meet with the future full of youthful spirit of the future with a confident smile(朝气蓬勃的孩子 带着自信的微笑 迎接着未来的未来)

When the sun is just rising shade leaves suffused with a bit of light (当太阳刚升起的时候 遮荫的树叶泛着点点的光)

Called the ocean shore line rolled up waves (名为海洋的岸边线上 卷起了浪花)

The fragile sand castle built do not know what to make it strong? (用沙子筑成的易碎城堡 不知道用什么才能让它坚固)

The heart of the dream slowly clear (心里的梦想 慢慢开始清晰)

Hidden in the c ocoon butterfly total needed to break up on the outside of the yoke (藏着茧中的蝴蝶 总需要打碎在外面的枷锁)

Cut down your prison break free (剪破束缚 挣脱禁锢自己的囚笼)

My faith will be reborn (我的信仰 将获得新生)

Mature opportunity 篇6

I was in,

land of the agreement,

plug the dignity of colour,

a deep sleep quietly to go,

only for amassing power to the growth

Missing quietly at night 篇7

Moon lighten the bed Filled the frosts on the ground

Raising my head to appreciate the moonlight

Lowering my head and arousing the deep memory of my hometown
